This dish of baked eggs in smoky tomato sauce is one of those recipes that I make in secret when I know The Viking is going to be away (or at least out of the house for a long time!) You see, he hates tomato and egg together. He loves them both separately but he cannot stand them together. In fact if he has baked beans with breakfast they MUST be in a separate bowl at least 10ft away from the eggs! It’s crazy, I know especially considering I love Shaksuka and all thinks tomatoey and eggy!
Obvs I love him and we tend to eat the same meals at the same time so it does mean that I don’t get to eat this dish very often. But when I do get to sneak it in I absolutely adore it. It’s so simple to make and even though the homemade tomato sauce takes a couple of hours to make to ensure it tastes phenomenal it’s one of this things that can be made well in advance, or just early in the morning! So go get up and do it!
This recipe serves one hungry person.
- 1/2 medium onion – finely chopped
- 1 clove garlic – finely grated
- one teaspoon chopped fresh herbs – I used rosemary and oregano (dried is fine)
- 1 x 400g tin of chopped tomatoes (I used these amazing ones from Sous Chef)
- 1/4 pint of veg stock
- 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
- 1 teaspoon tomato puree
- a dash of white wine
- 1/2 teaspoon smoked paprika
- salt and pepper
- mozzarella
- fresh basil leaves
- 2 large free-range eggs
To make the tomato sauce, sauté the onions in a pan with a little olive oil until they begin to soften. A medium heat is good here as you don’t want them to burn. Stir in the garlic and the fresh herbs and let the onions cook gently until they begin to colour – another 8 mins should do it.
Pour in the tomatoes, then re-fil the tin with stock and pour that in too. Then add the puree, balsamic vinegar, white wine, paprika and season well. Let the whole thing come to a boil, then turn down the heat to the very lowest and let it gently plop away for at least two hours. It should reduce by half, if not more.
Once you’re ready to make the baked eggs, pour the tomato sauce into an oven-proof dish, add some torn mozzarella and basil, then crack in two eggs. Bake for 25 mins on 180C (fan) or until the whites solidify and the yolks remain runny.
For more egg recipes, check these out on Dom in the Kitchen.
Eat and of course, enjoy!
I fully understand your husband, I’m exactly the same! Can’t stand eggs with tomato, nor baked beans next to eggs! Thought it was only me!
it seems like it’s quite a thing… my mum won’t eat eggs and tomatoes either! Who knew?