…a decent gravy is a thing of beauty isn’t it… I must be honest and say that I rarely bother because I normally have to consider vegetarian options and so usually plump for the easy route with a quick mix of stock and gravy powder and then pour in any of the juices, coming off whatever meat I have roasting, into a separate cup just for me… but when the good people at Mermaid Cookware sent me a wonderful hard-anodised roasting tin which is ideal as it is specifically created to withstand the transfer from oven to hob I simply had to give it a go… they even sent me this link to a very simple gravy tutorial so I had no excuses.
… I do feel very spoilt this week as I also received an incredible delivery of very fine, quality meat from Westin Gourmet, a British on-line butcher who delivers fresh meat to the UK from their suppliers based in Smithfield Market… they sent me their First Time Visitor pack which as you can see from the link is packed to the gills with an outstanding selection of cuts of meat, sausages and a lovely corn-fed chicken… I feel very privileged to have been asked to become a Westin Gourmet quality checker to ensure the freshness of the product and quality of the packaging and i’m glad to report that the produce is exceptionally good and I was particularly impressed by the standard of the delivery… delivering to a small village in the middle of nowhere can be tricky at the best of times but the effort the delivery company went to to ensure I received the meat was second to none…
… so, lucky me and lucky you as you can expect some delicious recipes over the next few weeks…
roast chicken with black pudding and tomato jam
black pudding is all the rage now isn’t it… it’s very much a ‘marmite’ product I find and I tend to hang out with the ‘love it’ gang and quite frankly can’t get enough of the stuff… when roasted with other meats it tends to breakdown and make a very rich gravy, so perfect for this… plus it’s British Sausage Week this week and so i’m doing my bit in the way I know best… i’ve also used some of my tomato and chilli jam which has added a nice depth of flavour to everything…
1 medium corn-fed, free-range chicken
1 medium onion – roughly chopped
2 medium carrots – roughy chopped
1 black pudding sausage
6 garlic cloves
fresh rosemary and thyme
2 tablespoons tomato and chilli jam
for the gravy
1 tablespoon flou
a glug of white wine
half a pint of veg stock
– pre-heat the oven to 170C
– boil the kettle and then carefully pour the boiling water over the chicken in a bowl and leave it to sit, covered in the water for 5 mins
– place the vegetables in the bottom of your baking dish and lay the chicken on top, breast side down, place a few pieces of onion in the belly of the bird, season well and bake in the oven for 1 and a half hours, depending on the size of your chicken. I turn my chicken onto it’s back half way through and pour on a little water from the kettle
– 15 mins before the end take the dish out of the oven and smother the bird in the tomato jam then place it back into the oven until done
– once golden and cooked, take the chicken out of the pan and set aside, covered in foil.
– place the pan, with the vegetables still in, onto a hot hob and throw in the flour and with a ballon whisk, stir around letting the flour cook and absorb all the lovely juices
– add the wine and continue to stir as it bubbles and then after a few mins throw in the stock and lt it bubble again for another couple of minutes
– now take a hand-blender and whiz the whole lot together into a thick gravy
eat and of course, enjoy!
You have achieved world domination in the chicken category for sure. Growing up we had a chicken dinner every Sunday after we came home from Mass. I have a huge soft spot for delicious moist chicken dishes. Looks mouthwatering.
How delicious. I do love black pudding(and marmite too!) This is a great idea. I once tried a recipe from a celebrity chef where you stuffed the black pudding under the chicken skin . . . it was horrid. This recipe is how I like my black pudding!
Decent gravy IS a beautiful thing!! And this is definitely a thing of beauty! At times like this, I wish I could reach into my computer and grab a nice big plate full of that chicken!!
This dish looks nice and beautiful indeed! 🙂
Oh yes, now ow on earth am I going to be able to top that lush looking gravy when I come to use my mermaid roasting tin and post the review, this is a very tempting post when I have been living off rations all week! Although, I did cooked with black pudding today, a hot-pot! Karen
Delicious as ever. There's nothing like a good gravy. I had no idea that black pudding was all the rage – I'm so out of touch. Good news, though, because I love the stuff.
Love chicken and gravy but definitely no to black pudding!! I love gravy though and tend to drown my roasts in gravy if I can 🙂
I'm not a black pudding fan (too rich for my delicate sensibilities – ha!) but there's a chap in my life that would love this combination!
Gosh that loves lovely, Dom. I'm not really a meat eater but I love the look of this simple, massively flavour-packed recipe and will pass it on to Mother-in-law as Dad-in-law LOVES chicken and black pudding. Gorgeous, drool-worthy images too. And, as I need a new roasting pan (for my veggies!!) I will have to check this baby out. Nice post.
I bow to you oh chicken master! My mouth is watering! This is my kind of chicken & I love gravy (don't make it much either). You made me smile with your “glug of wine” comment! I love a good glug!
Perfect roasting pan too, they can feel free to send me one anytime! LOL! I'm looking forward to seeing what else you have cooking!
Once again, I am reminded that you just can't beat a nice roasted bird with a gravy to die for!