here’s the recipe for the hot tomato jam you’ve all been raving about… it’s very good for so many things; and i’ve used it as a base on a pizza, as a sauce in a courgette pie, as a filling in an omelet or just as a plain old spread in a sandwich… so versatile and so damned tasty… in this version i’ve included a small red chili to heat things up a little but you could easily leave it out… or add even more depending on your predilection!
this will take a good few hours, at least four, so prepare this in the morning on a lazy Sunday…
2 onions – finely chopped or finely sliced
3 400g tins of chopped tomatoes
2 gloves of garlic – finely crushed
1 medium red chili – finely chopped and deseeded
2 teaspoons tomato puree
a glugg of red wine
a glugg of balsamic vinegar
1 teaspoon sugar
salt, pepper, rosemary and thyme
2 bay leaves
– heat some butter and olive oil in a pan and on a medium heat slowly caramelise the onions for about 30 minutes
– after about 20 Min’s add the garlic, rosemary, thyme and chili and turn up the heat a little but make sure you don’t burn anything
– add the tins of tomato, the puree, the sugar, the bay, the red wine and balsamic vinegar, give it a good stir and then, with the heat turned down to its very lowest and the lid off, let it bubble gentle away for at least four hours… you will need to stir it occasionally just to make sure its not sticking.
– use it straight away or bottle it and keep it in the fridge for at least a month although i’ll doubt it’ll last that long!
eat and of course, enjoy!
I'm imagining this made in September, with home-grown tomatoes… 🙂
How much is a “glugg” of wine, do you reckon? In my case, more than a glugg of vinegar!
Looks delicious and so versatile! is there a glugg of wine included for the chef? 😉
Sounds like a great combination of flavours and very versatile too. Yum.
Sounds like a great combination of flavours and very versatile too. Yum.
I'm nearly finished my tomato and chilli jam. This looks much thicker than the one I make, now I'm tempted to try yours, but think I would need to up the chilli content. I gave away a lot of pots of chilli jam at Christmas and it's had rave reviews, it is a match made in heaven!
I'm looking forward to making this, maybe even canning some with my summer garden tomatoes! Thanks for a great recipe Dom!
Wish my Patriots good luck in the Super Bowl tonight!
Go Patriots!
I bet this is delicious and I it's a must try. Thanks for the recipe!
Great minds, Dom? This jam and my tomato chutney are more alike than different. Mine was from some decent vine on supermarket tomatoes and we've been adding it to things all week. Thanks for sharing.
Very versatile recipe I'd say. I'd probably add a bit of extra chilli to keep out the cold.
One word or maybe two Yum Yum!
I'm so glad you didn't make us wait too long. Glugg is a fabulous word.
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All the best…
I am totally loving this recipe. the disgustingly cold weather is making me crave for summer. definitely bookmarking for june though!!
D'you know how insanely good that sounds?!
How can one crave tomatoes because I am now!
a)love that it uses tinned toms…cause who can get good toms in FEB!
b)what size jar/how many does it make…or did i miss that in the text
c)why are you SO FREEEKIN AWESOME?
a) I try to please
b) 1 medium kilner jar and some left over to cover a big pizza
c) because I am, that's why!
wow love this little like tomato chutney south Indians make
This looks delicious! I would put this on an omelette.
Bookmarked for if/ when we have a tomato glut… not for last couple of years but hoping 2012 will be a better growing season!
FABULOUS! You have posted this recipe, I wanted to see this posted, as I LOVE preserves like this! genius idea!
Thanks for sharing the recipe Dom. I cannot wait to make this jam.