first a warning… the next paragraph is jam-packed with saucy ‘Carry-On’ style innuendo and euphemism… if you think you won’t be able to make it, skip down to the recipe… you have been warned…
… I was in the supermarket the other day and whilst cruising the meat counter, I picked up a packet of delightful looking chipolata sausages, stuffed with succulent British pork… I always love a little sausage and there is no better home for a little sausage than a little hole… or a mini toad in the hole… if you will… what is it about making things smaller that makes them automatically darling looking… I mean you could take one of these home and hug it its so cute…
mini toad in the hole
i’ve used a 6 hole deep muffin tin which produce the best Yorkshire Puddings. If I had another 6 hole tin I could have probably got a further 4 mini toads…
12 pork chipolatas
1 egg
3 fl oz milk
2 fl oz water
3 oz plain flour
1 teaspoon salt
olive oil
pre-heat the oven to 180C
– cut the chipolatas in half, place them in a roasting tin, drizzle them with a generous amount of olive oil and roast them in the oven until just beginning to brown (about 10 good minutes.) It may seem like a lot of oil but you’ll need it for the batter to rise.
– meanwhile make the batter by sieving the flour and salt into a bowl and mixing in the egg, flour and water until you have a thick cream consistency, pour this into a pouring jug so you’re prepared.
– 5 minutes before the sausages are done pour the excess oil from the roasting tin into the muffin tin, you want just under a third of each muffin bowl filled with oil, place the muffin tray and the sausage tin back into the oven for 5 more minutes
– open the oven and take out the sausages, pull the muffin tray out on its oven shelf and place 2 or three sausages into each muffin bowl then pour the batter mix on top of the sausages… you want to fill each muffin bowl
– bake in the oven for 10 minutes or until darkly golden and risen
eat and of course, enjoy!
Dom, looks so soft and delicious! Didn't you use some baking powder?
How cute are they?! They look really fluffy and delicious!
thanks ladies… @manu – no, no baking powder… just love!
love these
Ooooohh matron!!!Carry on cooking
These look fab.Can we have mini Wellingtons next week?
Oh! Mini popovers with a 'not so discreet treat'! Does one serve these with eggs on the side and mustard for dipping? They look like breakfast fare to me … yes? I've never had them!
Toad in the hole always reminds of (along with pink milky puds) school lunches! And all that that entails!
I think you have just changed my mind, these are so cute, I may, just, just have to try making my own!
Thanks Dom for a great recipe.
I have to try these Dom!!!! I will be maing Delia Smiths recipe soon and wanted to make individual ones. Here they are!
Cute, Dom. x
Dom, they look great. I think I'd serve them with a dollop of onion marmalade on top.
OMG! What big toads you have and therefore big holes! MY fave food and I do love a sausage in a toad hole!
Ummm love toad in the hole. Perfect for this baltic night!
We all love toad in the hole in this household but I've never made cute little ones ~ until my next batch that is.
You're right about making things smaller makes them so much cuter…pity cos with all these lovely recipes I'm getting bigger! LOL 😀
These are adorable! I've never seen toad in a hole done like this. I will have to give these a try, they sound delightful!
What perfect finger food these would make. We love toad in the hole in this house but now there are only 2 of us I don't make it nearly so much – these little ones are the answer.
I'm saving this for my next party. Easy to eat, cute to look at and tasty to eat. What's not to love?
Nothing like a bit of carry-on innuendo to start the day! Love these, they look yum 🙂
I have heard of toads in the hole, but never lucky enough to eat one. These would be yummy Super Bowl fare this weekend. They sort of remind me of pigs in a blanket. My beloved New England Patriots are playing.
you are right…i do just wanna take one home and hug it!! cute…and rude! 🙂 xx
Hug them? wolf them down more like! They look great.
BTW: I have left an award on my blog for you and your blog Dom.
I have to admit I thought they looked a bit rude when I saw them first (not sure why now!) delicious too!!
Omg..those look so cute and delish!
love mini everything and these are cute and delicious. I shall refrain from making any rude comments 😉