… can you bloody believe it… Random Recipes is 1 year old today… and what a year it’s been folks…
… i’ve absolutely loved hosting this challenge and seeing all the random recipes you’ve come up with… and I know that sometimes my challenges have been a bit hard but what’s the point of making everything easy in life eh? the whole point of this challenge is exactly that… a challenge, to get us all to use our cookbooks more and really expand our culinary horizons…
… so to mark this first birthday I am going to ask you to go back one year and choose again from that first random book… for those of you who took part in that first challenge it’s pretty simple… for those who joined in later-on do exactly the same, that first book you used to enter my challenge… and for those Random Recipes Virgins out there… simply choose one of your cookbooks at random…
… my first Random Recipes cookbook was the most excellent tome of Italian cooking Made In Italy by Giorgio Locatelli, it is such a beautiful book with the most divine photography but it does sadly sit, unloved on my shelf… I rarely cook from it, in fact the last time I did was a year ago… which is such a shame because many of he recipes are very simple and wonderfully homely food such as my random selection this month of Calves Liver with Balsamic Vinegar… god I cannot wait to tuck into this..!
… as if you need reminding the rules are:
1. randomly select a cookbook (or use the book as described above)
2. randomly open the book at a random page
3. cook the EXACT recipe on that page
4. do NOT cheat… you are only cheating yourself… blah blah blah…
5. write up the whole thing on your blog, linking back to my blog and use the logo too
6. email the link to me at dominic@belleaukitchen.co.uk
7. and finally… as a mark of respect to your cookbook authors bank balances, please don’t copy the recipe verbatim into your blog… change it up a little, encourage others to purchase the book… maybe add a little link to Amazon…
good luck and happy random choosing!
Kellie@foodtoglow says
As a first timer to your site, I guess that makes me a RRV. Looking forward to donning a blindfold & diving in!
manu says
OMG I have to go back one year…seems yesterday, doesn't it?
Pistachio and Rose says
God ive been rubbish saying im going to do random recipies then not… well this time I am and it means brining out the Nigella Lawson Christmas book again!
little macaroon. says
YAY! Back to my splattery plastic clippings and cuttings book! Brilliant!
Michael Toa says
I promise I'll be cooking my entry on time this month! I cannot wait!
Karen S Booth says
BRILLIANT challenge Dom and I am SO up for this one! HAPPY BIRTHDAY darlink! Karen xxx
Karen S Booth says
TEENY WEENY problem Dom! My first recipe was from a recipe card, as in SINGULAR! Now, I do have a STACK of recipes cards by the same supermarket, shall I randomly choose from the pile? XXX
Dom at Belleau Kitchen says
@ Karen… go for it… choose one from the stack… but make sure you do it randomly!!
Shu Han says
ooh the first one (and ashamedly, only one) i did was the one where we had to choose from a stack of cutouts because I own no cookbooks! that's perfect then, I'll see you for this one (:
The KitchenMaid says
Oh blimey, you mean I have to remember what I cooked a YEAR ago?
Mark Willis says
Dom; Although I am amused by your scheme (and thoroughly applaud its motives) I won't be joining in, because I'm too fussy an eater. I don't eat any fish or seafood, and I'm innately suspicious of offal!
Baking Addict says
Congratulations on 1 year of random recipe! I've only entered once so looks like I'll have to choose from the same book again – it has very difficult recipes!! Yes I know it's a challenge 😉 and it's a great one!
Angela says
Hmmm…the first cookbook I used turned out to be total crap and took it to Good Will. I suppose going to the second won't be too much cheating.
Magnolia Verandah says
Dom, I, like you have some cookbooks on my shelf I have never cooked from so I am going to work my way through starting at the top of the bookshelf. This is my inaugural challenge attempt ever!
Choclette says
Happy Birthday Random Recipes – it's been a fun filled but sometimes traumatic year. Looking forward to finding out what book I used a year ago – can it REALLY be a whole year ago???
GG says
Since this month was my first foray into Random Recipes, it's back to Jamie for me. It would've been fun to be able to go back a year. GG
Susan Lindquist says
Oh! A year already? Congrats on your fortitude in keeping up the massive amount of work in 'rounding up' everyone's work, Dom! It's a fun challenge each month!
Well, I'm back to my beloved Moosewood Restaurant Cooks at Home! Let's see what I can cook up!
Cheers, friend!
Please Do Not Feed The Animals. says
Just looked back at my post from 1 year ago. In a different house then and it was our first Date night cook along! Hee hee. I have made that pate from that first challenge many times since then!
A year fairly flies by, though, doesn't it?
Janice says
Well done on a year of fabulosity in the kitchen. Will have to go back and see which was my first, it wasn't the Acorn Eggs was it? :0
Craftilicious says
Just found your challenge through kaveyeats – love the idea – the perfect way to make more of the hundreds of cookbooks I don't use enough! Will pick out a random book tonight!!!!
Lavender and Lime (http://tandysinclair.com) says
thanks for sending me here to read your challenge! Great for you to keep it going so long 🙂
mireia badia says
Hello! What do I have to do to join this challenge? Are there any special rules?? Thanks!
Rosh says
Great space…first time here. Very interesting theme! 🙂
Chef Al dente On going event: Gimme GREEN!
Roberthussy says
I can't believe that the Random Recipes challenge, hosted by the fantastic Dom over at Belleau Kitchen, is 1 this month! The theme this month? To return the first book used…and as I scanned the past year's posts in my archive I was surprised to see that it took me a whole 3 months to actually jump on the RR bandwagon. How horrible is that.