… over the last 5 days I have quite literally eaten my body weight in good food… damn good food… not that I’m complaining mind, it’s just that I’m currently lying here rubbing my belly like a fat cat on Christmas day… now would be one of those times I could happily find myself washed up on some deserted beach or stranded in the Sahara a thousand mikes from the nearest village and I’d be just fine… for a week at least
… so where did this culinary binge begin…?
… on Wednesday I was catching up with 2 very dear friends at The Hix Oyster and Chop house in Farringdon… it was one of those wonderful nights where I ordered from the menu with impunity, oysters followed by hanger steak served with baked bone marrow and rounded off nicely sharing 3 puddings… as you know, I’m no reviewer of food but I can say that I totally understand why this place is so highly regarded… it was the best steak EVER… the most wonderful service… and simply the nicest atmosphere… I could not fault it.
… Thursday night, as you have read from my previous post, was our Glenmorangie launch event at The Savoy where i probably ate about 20% of the canapes myself (someone has to have the job of quality control…)
… and on to Friday night and the unearthed supperclub… this was a new one for me as part of the meal involves a little chat from a nutritionist after each course… it wasn’t preachy in any way but was fascinating as we learnt about the goodness in what we were eating and drinking, we also discussed matters on sustainability, the decline in fish stocks as well as the pros and cons of being vegetarian…
… I drank raw milk for the first time and also enjoyed my first taste of brawn. As always with these kind of evenings I met an eclectic selection of people and was totally blown away by our hosts culinary skills and generosity.
… which brings me finally on to Saturday and the brilliantly nerd-filled Mixed Grill Food Lectures hosted by Fire and Knives. The day consisted of a series of 10-minute lectures from a bizarre mix of food nuts… from the sublime Betty Herbert talking about food and sex to the ridiculous Rusella drag pancake lipsinking… we even heard from our very own food blogger Kavey ranting about those daft Pris Fix menus that are not actually fixed prices… Stephan Gates was there, with his slide-show of horrific photos of bad food (yak penis anyone?) and we were also privileged to be in the presence of the ‘Sinatra’ of food and drink, Mathew Fort… oh and I learnt that I am a meta-nerd… all us food bloggers are in fact!
… all this wrapped around a 4 course meal created by the queen of supperclubs MsMarmiteLover who, amongst other things served us, seared scallops on hot blocks of salt, hand made the most spectacular meringue swans and poured her heart into a stunning rhubarb blancmange… finished off with a mouth watering plate of
Italian cheeses from the lovely guys at The Deli Station thoroughly impressed and completely stuffed!
… back to rubbing my belly…
Hi Dom,
I'm so glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for this post. Recovering now…
Thank you so much for your encouragement and kind words before nad after my little rant!
The meringue swans look STUNNING!
OMG! Enough treats to spread over a year :-O
Bet they all tasted as good as they looked – I fancy some of that brawn for my lunch right now! Will make do with black pudding and an egg fresh from the flock 😉
Gosh, I got too excited reading your post. Thank you for putting up Fire and Knives so quickly, was sad that I couldn't go, so this is the next best thing. x
Oh the Mixed Grill looked brilliant fun – and those meringue swans from Ms M – wow. So gutted to have missed it, been lurgified for days, so as Helena says, your report is the next best thing x
Oh wow. Everything looks delicious, but especially the steak and baked bone marrow. I just Love bone marrow! (notice the capital 'L' and the exclamation mark).
The meringue looks amazing too.
I'm stuffed to the gills just reading about it. It certainly sounds like you had a great time.
That was quite the gastronomic tour your had for yourself! My mouth was watering as I read your descriptions! What are you dinner plans for next week? LOL!!!
what am i doing over here…i should be there…with you
i made an english dinner last night..prime rib and yorkshire pudding…heaven on earth, my friend
teddy says HI !!!!
Thank you for your kind words about my Valentine dessert, I wish I could send you a slice . . . or two!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Wow – what a weekend full of fabulous food! I was blown away by the meringue swan. Fine art and food in one.
Hey Dom, shame that we didn't get to say hi at the Mixed Grill, next time eh?
Btw how tight are the trousers feeling at the moment?
@ food urchin… I know… shame… I was looking out for you but I'm crap at faces/names etc… trousers so tight I feel shameful…
Looks likes it's worth it though! Everyone does the 'culinary binge' now and then 🙂
Plus, I love your “belly like a fat cat” analogy!
Oh my goodness! I would have loved to have been along on that gastronomic binge! It all looks divine–especially those cheeses! I grew up in the mid-South (Virginia). My grandmother and mother actually had “marrow” spoons in their silver service and frequently served those bones. My sisters and I loved scooping out the delicious marrow. I've never seen it on another table or in a restaurant. Thanks for the memories!
Now, get up and take a long, brisk walk!!
I prescribe a month of sitting in with only bread and water after all that – (she says jealously!!!)
Blimey, you'd not want to go home after that!
Wish I'd been to the mixed grill… I was already committed to something far less exotic. Happily though I have eaten at Ms Marmite's in the previous few days so I don't feel I've entirely missed out.