OK, so I may be one of the worst offenders of not joining in a bloggers challenge but I do try… when I remember… (sorry Sarah at Maison Cupcake… I just forgot already!) and I always love reading all the entries and variations of what people have come up with…
… however… I have decided that as part of a mind-expanding / kitchen expanding process I should set myself a challenge that I would have to stick to… and then I thought… ‘why not ask my fellow bloggers to join in too?’
… so, here’s how it goes…
The Belleau Kitchen ‘random recipe’ challenge
… I’m sure, like me, you have hundreds of fabulous cook books at home… I get new ones for every birthday and Christmas… and now that I’ve started blogging they seem to come in more frequently than ever before… and I do LOVE to read them, flick through them for inspiration and go back to them when in need of a show-stopper dish… but I do tend to stick to what I know and I realise that my limited repertoire is becoming a little too samey… so (and I’ll finally get around to it…) the challenge is this:
1. take all your cook books off the shelf and shuffle them ( a friendly giant will help)
2. close your eyes and run your fingers down their spines and stop at a random book
3. now, close your eyes again and randomly open the chosen book at a page
4. cook this dish (if it’s something you’ve cooked before then turn to the very next page and cook that dish)… and don’t cheat… (do it with a friend in the room who will make you stick to it…) it’s a challenge after all and you’re only cheating yourself… this is specifically designed to take you out of your comfort zone…!
5. post it up on your blog, with a link to this page and then email me with a link at dom@thepersuaders.co.uk so I know you’ve joined in, you can also attach the badge to show people you’re taking part.
personally I think it’s genius… but then I’m biased…
I will post a round-up of the entries at the end of the month… you have until the 27th Feb to enter…
… good luck and happy random recipe dipping…
Wonderful! I love this challenge!I'm game! LOL
Oh man …. what happens if I get lambs liver!!!! lol
Sounds like an interesting challenge and may extend my skills somewhat!
Great challenge – it's why I started my blog to make me bake different things rather than sticking to the same old same old! But, I have a problem – as you know I can only post about chocolatey stuff, so I might need to cheat a bit??????
Count me in – and I'll only cheat if I have to!!!!!!!!!
Keeping my fingers crossed for you on Firday.
I'm in, but I'm not taking 200 cookbooks off my shelfs! LOL!!! I have a few new ones I rec'd for Christmas that the spines have barely been cracked! Or maybe I'll let hubby pick one . . . In any event, I'm in!
Thanks for the challenge and have a lovely day! We're bracing for a HUGE snow storm – the 1st of 2 is underway! Maybe I'll make “snowball soup” LOL!!!
I'm in! Great idea, one my new years resolutions was to bake a random recipe from a random book each week. I have so many I hardly ever use but I love them all. I'm really looking forward to this but I too will not be taking all my hundreds of books of the shelves! Only a boy would suggest such a thing. x
Dom, that is a great idea. I will try to participate but won't take them all out of the shelves. There are too many. Looking forward to what dish it will be.
I'm in! Although if I get anything with even a sniff of shellfish, sorry but I'm cheating!
What a fab idea, I'm so in 😀
Katie xox
Absolutely brilliant idea. I don't have a blog but I will definitely do this at least twice a week. I adore cooking but I'm definitely getting bored of all the same old stuff.
Thanks for the inspiration!!
what a fun idea! now I have to try to remember to do this…I have two kids, I'm lucky if I remember to go the bathroom…I'll do my best! to remember, not pee..well that too. Ok I'll stop now…: )
so touched and excited that everyone's in on this challenge!… I know it's a lot to ask and of course there are caveats to everything… so play along as honestly as you can… and if it's really something you can't eat, or doesn't fall in line with your blog theme then just keep going till the recipe works… can't wait to see the results… I'm even excited for myself
@Fiona – do try this, even without the blog, take a photo and upload to flikr and then send us a link so i can include you in the round-up at the end of the month x
I….am…..IN!!!!!!! 🙂
Fantastic idea Dom, just what I need to stop myself feeling so guilty about my ever-growing collection. The Small Girl specialises in pulling books off shelves at random, perhaps I'll get her to choose…
p.s classy button too!
Sounds wonderful Dom. Count me in!
So expect an email from me. 🙂
Yup – this is what we have all been waiting for.
I do four challenges in a month which works out as one per week so I told myself I wasn't allowed to do anymore.
But I can't resist this one. It really seems to be perfect for all of us who feel guilty about buying new books when we've hardly delved into the ones we have. You are so spot on.
Have to agree on not taking all my books off the shelf – will need to come up with another method. I might just get Steve to shut his eyes, walk to the bookcase and choose one. That way – I can't cheat and head for where I know my favourite books are – would that work?
Do you have time to be running this???? You have to be getting yourself presentable for the TV!
I'm in.
And just to clarify – I can put my post up at any time I like as long as it is before the 27th?
Daring Bakers post has to be done on 27th so I obviously don't want to clash.
Yes. To clarify; do the post anytime before the 27th. But no pressure. Enjoy!
And by the way… A bit of book shuffling is always good for the shelves! D xx
This sounds fun. Count me in!
Wahoo! This is just what I need to add a little fun to a long dreary winter! I'm in!
Count me in Dom – but hang on, can I hide a couple of books first, just to keep them out of the mix!
LOL! What a challenge! Count me in. BTW, thank you so much for your recent comment on my blog. Couldn't agree more.
Very clever Dom. Count me in. We are getting a huge snow storm and school as been canceled. I'll randomly pick tomorrow. I'm a little scared, but excited!!
Great idea, I will try not to cheat, but might not be able to stop myself. I just cannot follow a recipe in its entirety.
What a great idea, I would love to take part. Im going to spread all my cookbooks on the floor now infact!x
Oh I have been away and have just found this. Thank goodness I am in time. What a great idea. I've shuffled my books and have flipped the chosen one open. I didn't cheat. yay I've loads of time to make it.
What an absolutely brilliant challenge. I feel inspired already!
I think you should host this monthly, everyone's going to love it.
ps I have added the event to The Food Blog Diary. Hope that is ok?
just found out about this! On the last day!
I love playing this game whenever I'm stuck for what to make
Well I think I'm going to take part.. now I know what to make for dinner!
welcome Spontaneous Euphoria… the challenge is fun… you have until the end of the month but I will be doing it again next month…
I just found you through Susan at The Spice Garden. Love your random recipe idea! I'll have to join in one of these times as I have WAY too many cookbooks. Brilliant!
welcome Brenda, please do join in the fun, you still have till the end of the month to take part in this months challenge, so plenty of time!