… a banana loaf for no other reason than because I had 2 old bananas…
… last night we had a delightful carol service at our local church… it’s a teeny parish church that barely gets used but once or twice a year when it has a dusting down for a wedding or funeral… there are only 11 houses in the village and with most of us being old, married already, not the marrying type or …old, its unlikely to get used much… so it was all the more delightful when we got together and decided to ask the local vicarette (she’s a little bit Geraldine Granger… a little bit…) to hold a carol service…
… and we sang our little hearts out… all the classics; from ‘Hark the Herald’ through to Silent Night…all accompanied by our neighbour on the stunning church organ… I even read a portion of the Christmas story… could there be a more perfect Christmas for a Jewish boy from North London?
Banana, Walnut and Coconut Loaf
Sounds like the perfect way to kick off the Christmas celebrations to me. Lovely banana loaf too ;0)
Banana bread… yum yum!
It seems like we're all enjoying village carol services this year – maybe it has something to do with the cold and snow?
Dom…i am totally craving some non christmas baking! this is perfect!! We're carolling christmas eve and i can't wait…warming up (daily) 🙂 x
I went to a Carol service too last night – very disconcerting – familiar carols – Cornish tunes! Still it was lovely and we all lit candles and made a pool of light at the end – then had mince pies and mulled cider.
This sounds a super loaf – bananas and coconut – great combination…
I tried to make a banana loaf the other week and it was a disaster! Don't know what happened, but it just didn't seem to cook through properly despite the fact that I kept putting it back in the oven to cook more.
Maybe I will try your recipe next time!
What a fun night – I love singing carols, but not much going on this year. A very small group of us battled the winter weather one lunchtime last week to sing carols in the park, so I guess I haven't missed out completely.
I feel Christmas hasn't started until I've been to a Carol Service.
Love the coconut and banana combination.
Dom you really make me laugh :-}}}}}
fa la la la la…is right
looks great 🙂
kary and teddy
Yum! I usually have a couple of frozen banana's waiting for me in the freezer. There good for banana bread(de-frosted of course) or smoothies. Your version with the coconut sounds good.
For a Jewish boy you are revelling in Christmas LOL. I have a friend in Israel who has her tree up and all the trimmings. Your banana bread looks good. I wish I liked it. I love bananas but I just can't eat banana bread. I just love coming here and reading your posts. You are so heart warmingly funny x
Oh Banana loaf, so yummy! In Italiy we don't use this recipe , I've found it on English blogs and I love it!
glad I can make you all happy xx… just made 2 rounds of cheesy eggy bread and I feel sick… forgot to photograph them as well!
I love the smell of banana bread baking in the house! Thanks for the recipe. I love singing all the old carols! Sounds like you had a fun time for a good Jewish boy from N. London!
The Christmas spirit is infectious! It doesn't matter what faith you are! Who can resist 'Joy to the World' or 'Silent Night' ? One must join in and sing along!
Banana bread is a welcome sight at breakfast whatever the time of year! I love the coconut addition … dried apricots and walnuts are also a nice combo. Great warm with a slather of butter and a hot cup of coffee! Yum!
Sing on, you good Jewish boy! Do you mum proud!
Dom, the carol service sounds so lovely; I'm glad you convinced the vicar to hold it. I like making my banana loaf into muffins, and I made some for my parents after I arrived at their home a few days ago. Blessings for Christmas. x
Hi Dom. Thank you for the nice comment on my blog. I like making new friends and so, how do you do? I agree, Lucy is usually right about most stuff. 🙂
I just started reading few of your posts and your blog is becoming one of my favourites. So, here's to a life long blog friendship! Cheers.
PS. The banana loaf looks delish.