Paula and Graeme are celebrating their 20th wedding anniversary this weekend and are throwing a little party at home… as is traditional with these kinds of parties we all tend to muck-in and bring food…. It’s a lovely way to throw a party and it takes the stress and emphasis off the hosts, so they can sit back and relax and have as much fun as the guests.
i’ve decided to make these little tartlets… they’re so simple to make and usually get snaffled up pretty quickly… i’m using my usual quiche recipe but instead of mixing the cooked veg with the cream and eggs before it’s poured into the pastry case, I like to carefully spoon the cooked veg in first, dividing the ingredients evenly between the mini cases and then pouring a little of the mixture on top.
In other news…
… it may go a bit quiet from me for a week or so as The Viking and I are off to California… we start in LA mixing a bit of business with pleasure and then we’re driving up the coast road to San Fran and then beyond to visit my dad who lives in Sonoma. It’s going to be an excellent trip, from the mad world of LA to the more gentle cool of Northern California… and of course plenty of eating and drinking along the way. Plus I get to visit one of my most favourite restaurants in the world The Little Door in Los Angeles.
I will try and update with pictures and stories… but wish me bon voyage for now!
Have a great great trip both of you – it sounds wonderful, bring us back lots of food stories..
Woot! Woot! Welcome State-side! Drink wine for me! You'll be right in the middle of California wine country! Jealous, jealous!
Nothing is better than the smell of savoury tartlets cooking. And everyone gets their own round of pastry crust. WIN!!
Have an excellent get away! These mini quiches are just gorgeous! I really need to get out of my lazy routine and make something!! xx can't wait to see what inspires you out in Cali 🙂
Have an amazing trip, really jealous! I'll look forward to pictures.
Enjoy the trip both of you- I'm looking forward to the foodie stories when you return!
Great blog! I just found you and am having fun reading it.
Thanks for sharing,
Have always wanted to sample the delights of San Fran! Look forward to an update on your return.
Nick P
I cant believe I ve just back to to my PC after gallavanting and when I sit down to catch up on your news I find your off on your travels too! Have a great time – looking forward to reading all about it – Im sure you'll bring back lots of inspirational ideas from your travels
You lucky lucky boy……Have a fabuous time!x
Have an amazing time and eat eat lot's of amazing food!! Sam.X
Hope you're having a ball.
Looking forward to the photos.
Ehy Dom I've just posted a recipe very similar to this one ( I wanted to copy you but during the experiment I changed something) . . .thanks for the idea