… welcome to February and it’s an ‘anything goes’ month for Simply Eggcellent which means you can cook with free-range eggs to your hearts content and I will accept any recipes… sweet… savoury… breakfast… lunch… dinner or anything in between and if you love eggs as much as me then it could be every meal of the day. If you need inspiration February has both pancake day and valentines day so there are plenty of excuses to make and bake… Come on people lets celebrate the egg!
how to take part in the simply eggcellent bloggers link-up
it’s really easy to take part; all you have to do is create a recipe using free-range eggs, post it up on your blog and then link back to this post… please include my simply eggcellent badge in the post to help spread the word and use the linky tool below so that I know you’ve taken part.
I will collate all the posts at the end of every month and produce a special round-up of entries and maybe we can even teach a thing or two to those egg phobic fools out there!
feel free to tweet and instagram me your pictures using the #simplyeggcellent hashtag and I will retweet and like all those I see… you can find me on social media @belleaukitchen
i’m happy to take previously posted recipes but you’ll need to go back to the post and adapt it to link back to this post and include the simply eggcellent logo
//static.inlinkz.com/cs2.js?v=116 eat and of course, enjoy!
Great, I love these “anything goes” challenges!
I'm IN as always! I have eggs coming out of my ears – my hens are on OVERTIME!
I love any egg story! And that one seems well-written 🙂
Bonjour all and happy February – looking forward to more recipe inspiration
I've linked up again at last. Look forward to blog hopping. Thanks for hosting Dom.
Joining up with #simplyeggcellent for the very first time with banana bread made from the lovely organic eggs I got in my Riverford organic box! Eb 🙂
I just joined in, I hope my recipe is eggy enough for the event 🙂
Popping over for the first time with my latest egg recipe. I hope you don't mind my post having a linky in, if it is a problem please delete and I'll come back next time I have an egg recipe x
Phew, just got in on time. Thought I'd linked my pancakes up, but just spotted I didn't!