… if you’re a cook and have a passion for cooking and a love for food you will no doubt have a small place in your heart for Le Creuset. Their glorious, enamelled cast iron cookware is synonymous with exceptional quality and traditional cooking. When I see a Le Creuset pot in someone’s home it not only makes me feel that they have an understanding of how good cooking and quality ingredients can be enhanced by something as simple as a pot but I feel it also shows a nod to a design aesthetic that transcends style and class. many people I know keep their Le Creuset on the hob, almost as a mark of respect but most definitely as a design choice in their kitchen…. this may sound as though I’m being an utter snob as the prices for the cookware do not come cheap but I have deep rooted memories of casseroles and stews coming out of the oven at my mum and grandma’s homes in the infamous orange enamelled pots. They were the best casseroles and i’m sure both my mum and grandma would admit that not just a little bit of their greatness came down to the Le Creuset.
I have never owned a genuine Le Creuset casserole pot until today. I have similar enamelled cast-iron pots but not the real thing but I know this beauty will be with me for a very long time. I feel humbled and privalidged to own one and I have the lovely people at Houseology to thank…
Houseology was set up by CEO Kate who is an interior designer by trade. She identified that many people felt uncertainty when making design decisions in the home and wanted to encourage people to feel more confident about putting their own stamp on their homes. With this in mind, Houseology began! Kate used Houseology as a platform to open up her design studio to everyone, making sourcing beautiful furniture, lighting and accessories simple and inspiring. Now, Houseology stocks a wide range of products which are still carefully curated by their in-house team along with interior design tools, ‘how-to’ guides and much more to give customers a bespoke experience that will fill them with inspiration and real excitement about their design journey.
To celebrate their lovely site Houseology have given me a beautiful Le Creuset 4.7lt oval cast iron casserole pot to giveaway on my blog to one very lucky Belleau Kitchen reader… all you have to do is leave a comment below and complete the rafflecopter gadget thingy…
veggie sausage, butternut squash and kale cajun stew
i’ve decided to go meat-free during the week… I believe the official title is a ‘weekday vegetarian.’ My friend, nutritionist and social media guru extraordinaire, Michelle has been a weekday vegetarian for sometimes and has inspired me to do the same, much to The Viking’s delight. It’s clearly healthier for me, healthier for the planet and those little animals and makes choosing to eat meat so much more of a treat. To be honest, if I see one more vile image of a dripping beef burger on instagram I will scream so for me it all makes sense… this stew has all the good stuff in in… the sweet sweet butternut squash has caramelised beautifully in the mild cajun spices and the veggie Cauldron sausages are fit enough to stand their own in the long slow cooking… divine.
olive oil and butter
2 teaspoons authentic cajun spice mix
1 butternut squash – peeled longways (keep the long peelings) and chopped
6 vegetarian sausages – cut into large chunks
6 new potatoes – quartered
half and onion – finely chopped
half a fennel bulb – chopped
a handful of green beans – cut into thirds
100g frozen peas
150g chopped kale
1 litre good veg stock
a splash of white wine
pre-heat the oven to 120C
place your large casserole dish on the hob and drop in a large nob of butter and a glug of olive oil and when it’s hot throw in the butternut squash and cajun spices and let it bubble away until the squash begins to caramelise – roughly 8 minutes – then remove from the pan and set aside
next throw in the sausages and potatoes and let them brown for roughly 5 mins until they have a good colour all over, then throw in the onion and fennel, turn the heat down and place the lid on and let them sweat for a further 5-8 minutes
then throw in the rest of the veg along with the butternut squash, stir, turn up the heat again and pour in a generous splash of white wine and let that reduce for a minute or two
turn the heat down and pour in the stock. Stir, place the lid on and then place the whole pot in the oven for at least an hour if not two and let it cook slowly until gloriously tender
take the lid off for the last 15 minutes to brown the top of the stew
to make the cajun spiced butternut squash crisps, simply lay the peelings on a roasting tin, sprinkle on some cajun spices and a little olive oil and rub then all over – bake for 10 minutes until crispy
i’m linking this dish up to the brilliant slow cooked challenge hosted by Farmersgirl Kitchen and Baking Queen 74
eat and of course, enjoy!
a Rafflecopter giveawayhttps://widget-prime.rafflecopter.com/launch.js
I like my garlic crusher, I am a weakling and cannot do it the Masterchef way with the back of a large knife.
Are those Flower Sprouts, aka “Kalettes” I see, Dom? I would be interested to hear your opinion of them. They are very trendy at present, but when I grew them a couple of years ago I wasn't particularly impressed. I would prefer the conventional kale. Actually in a dish like yours I would probably add the kale towards the end of the cooking time, so that it would keep its colour better. One of the things I didn't like about the Flower Sprouts was that when cooked they did go a bit grey!
my mandolin – love gadgets that save me time!
Looks very tasty! Marian
My trusty Kenwood mixer – it's over 30 years old!
Sorry to be cheeky, but could you tell me what brand of veggie sausages you used. I am a sausage fiend, but have yet to find a veggie version that looks as good as the one in your recipe.
Has to be my Nova Multi Quirl Whisk….. Makes batters and pre-whisking liquids for bread making quick and fussless.
My beloved Kitchen Aid in raspberry pink. As beautiful as it is useful.
Would probably be my slow cooker. Love the food I make in it!
Haha..just read again, and saw Cauldron, teach me to speed read!
My Mini Oven 🙂
My Le Creuset Mini Casserole Dishes
My new Kenwood slicer/dicer/grater
My Grohe 'boiling water tap' saves me SO much time
You got it! They're the Lincolnshire 'sausage' version I love them. Get them nice and golden first!
I wouldnt be without my old Pyrex measuring jug,great for mixing up gravy and sauces.
My slow cooker
my nutri bullet!
My slow cooker – I use it all the time!
My digital scales as I do a lot of baking and everything has to be measured to perfection
what's your favourite kitchen item? . . . . . my soup maker – a different dish every time
my professional set of knives, could't be without them
Love my casserole dish
My Kenwood mixer – great for baking
my microwave is mine
My Kenwood handwhisk, it is versatile an convenient. It also brings back good memories of my mums baking as she had a very similar whisk.
my garlic crusher
I have had my big blue Le Creuset for many years and love it to bits, but it has to be my great big kitchen knife that I couldn't live without.
the dishwasher as i do burn a most things.
More of an 'essential' than an 'item'… my dishwasher 🙂
My daughter has a set of Le Creuset pans and a Casserole Pot and am so envious whenever I go round. I have never been lucky enough to own one but would certainly love one so giving this a go.
My nutribullet
my cast iron casserole
My actifry! Love the thing!
My beloved slow cooker
My ice cream maker. Homemade ice cream tastes like heaven
Kettle making the best drink in the world-tea
It's gotta be my hand blender. It's seen me through soups, hummus, pancakes, smoothies, mousses… so many dishes!
It would have to be my microwave
My bread maker
My bread maker
Currently my Spiralizer, I love it.
my toaster – nothing beats hot buttered toast for breakfast!
My trusty mezzeluna. I am rubbish with a knife, but with that little love I can chop up just about anything!
Mine is my nespresso coffee maker
I love my 2 cup mini Cuisinart processor. It's so handy to whip up sauces or chop many things. Very very handy!
My pestle and mortar that help me to churn those yummy curries…
I love my mini heart ramekins <3
Air fryer
My toaster
My bean to cup coffee machine – Just luv it
My dough scraper, no more ruining scourers it just cleans thee work top in one sweep.
My smoothie maker is pretty cool, and used a lot!
slow cooker
my kitchenaid
My food processor. It's an old model Braun one with large and small goblets, which make it perfect for both large and small quantities. I use it for mixing, blending, slicing, chopping, grating and making mayo, so it's in use almost every day, sometimes several times a day.
My coffee machine
my potato ricer – makes perfect mash!
The wok – I use it often! 🙂
~ Anthony G
I have a perfect vegetable knife which I love. After that, it would be my juicer.
My kettle! It gets used the most! 🙂
Love my Nutri bullet!
my coffee machine
Strangely it's a pair of big scissors. I've just discovered how much easier it is to use scissors for some things instead of a knife. Especially cutting bacon into small bits.
This looks delicious! I love my kitchen Aid Whisks, so efficient!
Microplane graters are my favorite implements.
My wok
i have a favourite chopping knife, its nothing special but i cant use anything else!
My favourite has to be my classic mixing bowl! It's not lightweight so can't be tipped over and you can mix with a wooden spoon as vigorously as needed to make the perfect recipe!
I love my mini chopper. It's great for blitzing breadcrumbs or making pastes for curries. It can chop nuts and herbs, it's very versatile. I use it all the time.
Probably my stand mixer! I use it practically every time I'm baking and it makes making bread so much easier with the dough hook
My slow cooker! Especially during the colder months. It means I can put it on and enjoy the day out and about with family before returning home to enjoy a hearty meal!
My slow cooker use it every week! X
My electric tin opener
My electric tin opener
My electric kettle
my hand blender
Electric tin opener
My big non stick pan
My Santoku knife and my immersion blender.
Mary Eman
My favourite kitchen item is my much loved Russell Hobbs juicer. Nothing better than fresh juice as a pick me up!
What a savory and hearty winter comfort meal! I love the look of those beautiful squash fries on top.
slow cooker
I love my pyrex jug i use it for everything mix sauces, scramble eggs, mix cup cakes in 🙂
My favourite Kitchen items are my cookie cutters, have loads of fun baking with my daughter!
My potato peeler
My kettle x
my stand mixer – i never used to bake cakes until i discovered how easy a mixer makes things!
I couldn't do without my large deep skillet, I use it daily.
My mini non stick frying pan.
I love my kitchen knives, although they're not in any way a professional set, I use them everyday, making soups, casseroles etc
My smoothie maker!
I love my baking tins for my homemade cakes 🙂
the electric tin opener is so handy!
would have to be my toastie maker, quick easy lunch for when i'm short on time 🙂
my mixer i use it so much, I love it.
I've just bought a lovely new deep frying pan with a glass lid. I don't have many kitchen items so this is the nicest thing I've ever had!
my kettle thankyou
My kitchenaid. I know they are pretty, and I was worried I wouldnt use it. But wow! Such fluffy cakes 🙂
My wok
My slow cooker
My kettle, it gives me life ha ha
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my peelers
Well the recipe looks great but the casserole is calling my name! I guess my food processor is a favorite kitchen item 🙂
My stick blender as it is so useful for making soup.
my slow cooker
I love my Braun stick blender, I use it almost every day.
My filter coffee maker!!
FAB recipe and I so want to win the Le Creuset casserole dish too!
I can't live without my microwave
I love my new spiraliser, trying to be low-carb and its fab
My blender, can't live without it!
My Sabatier knives
My Artisan Kitchen Aid mixer, so versatile
My potato masher! Mashed potato is just the best
I love a lot of things in my kitchen, If I've got to pick just one then I say my hand blender is mighty useful.
My toaster I love my toast
My kettle
My potato ricer
My le creuset pot, i love how versatile it is. Definitely the best kitchen friend.
My Kenwood, use it for all sorts, so time saving and fab results.
I love my slow cooker
it has to be my slow cooker perfect for me as a busy mum of 4 x.
My hand blender, so convenient and quick. Many thanks for the recipe it's something I think the show family will enjoy.
My espresso maker, Lattes whenever we fancy.
my all singing all dancing hand blender
My Wok!
My Poundworld peeler, cost a £1, now 3 years in and still working and sharp.
Can't do without my green tea in the morning so would have to be my kettle
Looks so delicious! My favourite kitchen item has to be my cafetiere. It gets used so much : )
Love Aga's every kitchen should have one
My KitchenAid Mixer. Mom bought it for me and it has completely transformed my baking. Everything is so much easier to do, and I make far more complex things than I ever used to, such as a Peanut Butter and Salted Caramel 2 tier wedding cake!!!
I like my grater for parmisan cheese.
My faithful little paring knife – super sharp, good to hold, and handy for all sorts of things.
the electric tin opener is has lots of little gadgets
I love my old tin opener, Ive bought countless fandabbydozy electric openers but still revert to an old one that Ive had for about 20 years.
I love my Cuisinart chopper and grinder.I use it nearly every day.
My slow cooker
This looks like such a hearty stew, perfect for these cold nights we are having. My favorite item in my kitchen right now is my Instant Pot pressure cooker – perfect for weekday cooking for the family and busy nights. I still love to slow cook on the stove but some nights I just need quick and the Instant Pot does that perfectly.
My slow cooker I use it 2/3 times a week to make chillies, curries, stews and soups. I absolutely love it and would be lost without it 🙂
The microwave
Trevor linvell
my slow cooker
my kettle is my fave kitchen item, I couldn't live without it
Got to be my kettle would be lost without my morning brew 🙂
My digital scales!
I love my mini chopper – perfect for onions (no tears), celery, herbs, bean puree – so many uses.
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I love my stick blender. It also comes with a mini blender so I can easily make thick soups, sauces and I also use it to mash my caleriac or make a 3 root mash.
My wife
My pampered chef chopper! It's awesome!
I love my slow cooker x
My microwave – I was lost without it when it broke recently x
My kettle probably. Other than that it would be my food processor – have bad joints and I couldn't bake without it!
The kettle
My favorite kitchen item has got to be the microwave or the slow cooker.
My Slow Cooker
my potato peeler which I use for so many fruits and vegetables!
My set of very, very sharp kitchen knives. Makes like so much easier when slicing n dicing ingredients. Good luck everyone!
My slow cooker 🙂
The larger mixer – we can mix, grind, juice, etc
The larger mixer – we can mix, grind, juice, etc
My kettle 😉 but a close second is my slow cooker
My soup maker 🙂
my range cooker and my coffee maker
My tagine – chuck it in and voila!
I love my Garlic chopper its one of those with wheels that you run along the work surface – i can never imagine life without it now
My cheese grater. @jaizduck
My soup maker
My kettle! Cant beat a good cuppa
My breadmaker – love the smell of fresh bread
The Microwave, I am a 70 year old widower whose children have grown up and have families of their own. The Microwave is my saviour.
At the moment my favourite kitchen gadget is my slow cooker. I bought one in the January sales and have found it to be a godsend for creating quick and easy yummy meals that are ready when I get home from work!
My 35 year old orange Le Creuset skillet pan – no longer “goes” with anything in the kitchen but still regularly used & currently being eyed up by my daughter.
My slowcoker…don't no what I'd do without it
My favourite kitchen item is a morph you richard soup Maker
My fav item is my slow cooker. Working nights, I just come home and put everything in the pot and its ready for when I get up
my kitchen aid mixer, i just wish our kitchen was bigger so i can have it out always
Can't beat a trusty wooden spoon! 🙂
our old Kenwood food processor. my husband won it in a cooking competition in 1999 and it's still going strong.
my stick blener, so useful
Our Nutri Bullet, it a great bit of kit for making smoothies
I love my new Salter Spiralizer…it's fab.
my tefal frying pan and my giant wok!
My new KitchenAid mixer!
My combi oven microwave
My kenwood mixer
I can'tlive without my food processor. I have arthritis and use it every single day
Difficult question, it's a toss up between by George Forman grill, my stick blender and my electric carving knife
My kitchenaid food mixer
my Nessie soup ladle
George foreman grill, cooks meat really nice & gets rid of alot of the fat xx
I love my pestle and mortar and my mandolin
My slow cooker 🙂
My soup maker, its a godsend
My Pizza stone
My soup maker , love homemade soup
My Nutri Ninja 🙂
The Kenwood Processor. Never lets me down!
My Vitamix – it makes smoothies, soups, ice cream and even cocktails!
My blender 🙂
my slow cooker especialy this time of year
My toaster – great for a fast snack 🙂 x
It has to be my Kenwood mixer.
My brilliant juicer…goodness in a shot (or two)!
I love my crepe maker. I use it for loads of things, omlettes, American pancakes, etc… not just crepes.
The touchscreen microwave in our kitchen. Very easy to use.
My mixer I don't know I would do without it.
My frying pan with a removable handle so that I can put it straight into the oven
Kelly Ellen Hirst
my kitchen aid mixer
has to be my kettle, as cannot cope without cupos of tea
My Kitchen Aid mixer. I love baking
My microwave and kettle x
Haha, was just going to enter this as I don't own a Le Cruiset pot, but I'm too late. That'll teach me!!!! Love the sound of this stew and I'm celebrating with the Viking.