… it’s not even half way through August yet and it feels like the summer is over. They’re talking about ‘back to school’ and ‘autumnal fashion’ on the TV and in magazines and I had one of those ‘tucked-up-by-the-fireside’ feelings over the weekend that I just couldn’t shake. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m a huge fan of the autumn. It is by far my favourite season but even I don’t want to say goodbye to the summer just yet. As far as i’m concerned the summer isn’t officially over until the 25th September, the day after my birthday. I know that’s quite late but as a kid I remember glorious sunny summers-day birthdays… although my mum now tells me that she always tried to squeeze my birthday parties in before we returned to school in early September so it’s quite possible that i have a twisted view of childhood sunshine…
habas con jamon #MyHolidayDish
i’m working with the good people at James Villas Holidays to bring to life the nations favourite holiday destination dishes… us Brits love our European holidays and Cyprus, Italy, Greece and Spain rank amongst our top places to visit. As you’ll know, I love Mallorca and always come back inspired by my holidays, often cooking dishes based on my trips. I do love Spain as a destination and we have friends who have a beautiful home near Almeria on the mainland in Spain and have often visited and come home with plans to recreate some of their wonderful local tapas dishes. As we all know the Spanish have a huge passion for food but sometimes it’s not so easy to make those dishes when you get home… this classic and very simple Almerian dish of broad beans with Serrano ham could have been lifted directly from the narrow streets of the ancient city… it took me right back and makes me pang for another little trip to the sunshine…
the recipe is inspired by one from chef and food writer Jo Pratt… i’ve adapted it slightly to make it more of a main dish but you can follow her recipe and see her cook it in this little film
1.5kg fresh broad beans, shelled (I used tinned board beans. They were actually delicious ones, in water, which I purchased from our local co-operative store. I actually couldn’t find any fresh broad beans… it seems we grow tonnes of it in the fields around my house but try and buy it locally!)
4 tbsp Spanish Olive oil
1 Small onion, finely chopped
4 Cloves of garlic, peeled and crushed
100g Sliced Serrano ham, torn into small strips
Small glass of dry white wine (about 125ml)
Small handful chopped mint
salt and freshly ground black pepper
bring a pan of salted water to the boil and cook the broad beans for 1-2 minutes until just tender. Drain and refresh under cold water. Once they are cool enough, remove the outer skins, revealing the bright green beans inside. If the beans are particularly small and young they can be left as they are.
pour the olive oil in a wide pan or frying pan and place over a low-medium heat. Add the onion and garlic and gently cook for about 5-8 minutes, stirring occasionally, until softened but not browned. Add the ham and cook gently for 1-2 minutes.
increase the heat to high. Add the wine, bring to the boil and cook until it has reduced by about half. Add the beans, reduce the heat to low and cook for 1 minute to completely heat through before seasoning with salt and pepper and stirring in the mint and salad leaves
i’m linking this stunning recipe to Karen from Lavender and Lovage and her summer holiday themed Tea Time Treats… because we grow so much broad bean here in Lincolnshire i’m also linking it to Elizabeth at Elizabeth’s Kitchen Diary and her Shop Local link-up and it’s also being linked to the brilliant Credit Crunch Munch founded by Camilla from Fab Food 4 All and hosted this month by Charlene from Food Glorious Food
eat and of course, enjoy!
I love all your foreign named posts Dominic it just give a much more exciting feel to a dish and what a stunner this one is! I'm glad to hear tinned broad beans are good as I've never had one! Thanks for a lush entry to #CreditCrunchMunch:-)
Looks wonderful! And I totally agree you with you about summer – my birthday is 9th September and it's normally still at least warm, if not sunny, then. Here's hoping it might return!
Rosie xx
Delicious and brings a bit of Summer to your table, although it's raining in August 🙂 x
This is a healthy and balance diet. Lots of veggies and some meat. If serve with whole grain bread, should be an easy meal for dinner. If I don't have broad beans, might try to replace it with chickpea. 🙂
Makes me want to go on a summer holiday! Haven't had one yet 🙁
Delicious to watch hope awesome in taste. Thanks for the wonderful recipe.
I left a comment here, and came back to see if you had commented, and it is not here! Grrrr……..still, it gives me a chance to say again, MY KINDA meal and very very very lush!
What a lovely! A shame you can't buy the locally grown broad beans (have you tried contacting the farmer himself? I'm working on a similar project but I'll be using Shetland mussels, and I have to go and buy them direct from the processing shed! No idea what shop I could buy them locally from as they all get sent to London!). Thank you for linking up with the Shop Local Challenge! 🙂