… I was astounded but very pleased to have come back to the cottage after such a long absence to find my bush of purple gooseberries not only with all the berries on it but also abundant with an embarrassment of fruit. I guess the birds passed these by in favour of the strawberries which I know I planted and when last time I checked was heavy with ripening fruit… what I love about our solitary gooseberry bush is that it yealds just enough fruit to deliver one generously sized dish such as a gooseberry crumble but what has pleased and surprised me the most this year is that unbeknownst to me The Viking had already harvested a bumper crop from the bush over a month ago and frozen the berries so this batch must have been hiding on the bush or been under-ripe when he did that first harvest! So it’s double gooseberry love from me. I will keep that batch frozen and think about something wonderful to do with them and share with you later in the year when we’re in need of that summer-fruit kick.
purple gooseberry cocoa flaxseed crumble flapjack
the idea behind this flapjack is that it captures the essence of a traditional crumble but in a ‘practical’ bar format. I’m always practical when it comes to accessing food quickly and I am, as you all know, very lazy when it comes to cooking so this one-pan flapjack works perfectly for me. You may think some of the ingredients a little odd but the cupboard was a little stark so I had to make use of what was there to bulk up. The flaxseed mix with the cocoa and berries adds such a dark chocolatey taste which you don’t expect, but I think it’s all combined and worked really well and given me a beautifully buttery, crunchy, sweet and tart little tray-bake… which is of course perfect for this months brilliant tea time treats bloggers challenge hosted each month by Karen from Lavender and Lovage and Jane from The Hedge Combers.
makes 12 large flapjacks
1 lb purple gooseberries – any colour gooseberry would work
Oh gosh Dom, you are making my mouth water! That flapjack looks just divine and so easy to make. I just got back from holiday to discover that all the lovelies poppies I'd planted in my outdoor bath tub had bloomed and died in the week I was away.
Wow this look delectable. Thanks for this wonderful post.
Purple gooseberries are my favourite, haven't seen any this year yet, and sadly don't have a bush of my own 😉
Just beautiful. I've just eaten a large piece of cake, but now I soooo want a piece of your juicy flapjack.
Your gooseberries are a quite a bit darker than ours, although I guess if I'd left them to ripen they would have darkened considerably.
What a beautiful colour! So fresh and summery. I love fresh fruit in flapjacks….. can you send some over please?
The linseed mix sounds incredible – hmmmm, maybe I feel a bit of DIY coming on. Lovely gooseberries too. I planted a bush last summer and am very hopeful of fruit this year.
Have you ever entered the tv show WIN IT COOK IT .?
I've never tried gooseberries but would love to! This sounds amazing. I eat flaxseed meal everyday so I also love the idea of adding it to this crumble. Very nice! Have a wonderful week.
My nanny used to have a gooseberry bush at the bottom of the garden, I used to trundle along and pick off the berries and stuff my face until I felt ill. Also I couldn't get my head around the fact they were very sour, but I liked them. Great recipe Dom as always.
OMG! I saw this on FB the day I was travelling and I was as greedy for a slice then as I am now Dom! A STUNNING entry into tea time treats and I adore pink gooseberries too!