… I promised you something a little bit different and fun for December but calm down ladies, it’s not what you think… if you cast your minds back a year or so to a very popular random recipes where I asked you to photograph your cook books… well this is part two, as it were… this month i’m going to ask you to open up your larders or ingredients cupboards and photograph them… nice and simple and doesn’t need a huge amount of explanation but maybe to add to some, ahem, spice to the mix you could pick out a favourite item and let us know why it’s always stocked in your home, or maybe you notice something that’s been there for years, well past it’s use-by date and really should be thrown out…
… I used to live with someone who kept tins until they swelled up before she threw them out and I think my mum is pretty much the same… as for my ‘must have’ item, the first thing I bought when we moved in was a tub of Marigold bullion powder which I think speaks volumes…
… as you can see from the top picture my cupboard is pretty tidy but I must confess to two things, not only is this my London flat cupboard which has less than the bare essentials but I did also give it a spruce up and have included a ‘before’ picture too… just so you don’t think i’m totally perfect… when I get back to the cottage next week I’ll update this post with a picture of my cupboard from that kitchen, which believe me is whole other story…
here’s what you need to do if you want to take part
1 – take a photo of your ingredients cupboard or larder
2 – pop it up on your blog or twitter or facebook and tell us a little bit about what you have in stock
3 – email a link to me at dominic at belleaukitchen dot com
4 – tweet me @belleaukitchen using the #belleaukitchen hashtag and i’ll retweet all I see
5 – include a link back to my blog and the random recipes logo in your post
6 – deadline in the 28th December
I hope you all enjoy this fun random recipes treat and thanks in advance for letting us all into your homes…
eat and of course, enjoy!
This is great! I've just run into the kitchen and taken some photos of my main 'ingredients' cupboard.. Its a bit of a mess but I'm brave enough to bare all! 🙂
What a great idea! I think I'm a bit ashamed to photograph my larder at the moment as it's so incredibly disorganised! I try and keep it neat and tidy but it never stays that way for long….
Oh my! The nosy Parker in me is LOVING this theme Dom!
Oh no, your before picture looks quite tidy compared to my larder, no time to tidy up so you'll just have to take it warts and all!
Oh lawks, not in the least sure I want anyone to look into my “everything falls out as soon as you open the door” cupboards, but a fun challenge nonetheless. You have an insanely tidy cupboard AND an empty one.
Love the idea!! I have to say I'm a bit ashamed of my messy cupboard but maybe it won't be the worse! I might have to do a before and after photo like yours…
I would love to have space in my cupboards – they are all rammed & very very untidy!
What a GREAT idea for December Dom! Love it!
Lovely idea. I'm on holiday tomorrow – time for a tidy up… (or probably not!)
Even your before picture is tidy. My cupboards have ingredients falling out of them. Great idea, plucks up courage!
Ooh, you are a cheeky boy, aren't you?! Your cupboard is a lot neater than mine!
I always go through all of my cupboards/shelves in December as part of my pre-Christmas tidy up, so I think I'll do that before I photograph them for this challenge 😉
Well, Santa is bringing me a NEW pantry (at least, I hope he is – even if it might not be turning up until January), so my existing one, a cupboard of horror, is in a right state. Do you really, really want to see it?
Oh no! Eeek. But can't wait to nosey at everyone's cupboards! 🙂
Dominic, what a great idea! Hope I can manage to get this done before the deadline. At any rate, I shall enjoy hopping around and seeing everyone else's pantries!
This is a fab idea, I've just done a big restock of my cupboards so may have to organise them slightly before I take any photos!
What a fantastic idea!! Only problem I have is that I have a pantry, 2 cupboards and a drawer!….oh and then there is the '2nd Pantry' in the garage…..I might have too much food in my house!
Dominic, just had to pop in and talk about pantry again. (See you've posted lots of delicious things I must come back for tomorrow!) I did indeed include one little teeny pantry photo on my blog post today. And it's got me thinking about doing some reorganizing, so thank you for that too!
Life wouldn't be complete without a tub of marigold!
Keep forgetting to take a picture – will try later! Just got to decide which cupboard to bare all with..