…. funny how sometimes the month drags on like an old wet man with a limp, always grim and never quite getting where you want it to be… and others it swoops past so fast you can’t actually remember what day it’s supposed to be tomorrow but you know that at some point, if you don’t lay down you may simply fall asleep standing up… welcome to my March… I honestly don’t know what happened but one moment it was there and the next it had come and gone… and other than being the coldest month in a long long time I can’t recall anything particularly special about it…
… but it does look like we’ve all been busy with our random recipes…
random selection of Dhal and Saraswat Machchi Kadhi… or curried fish to you and me…
OK, so given that these are all clippings or notes that people have chosen to save in a “hmm, I quite fancy the look of that sometime” sorta style, the first thirteen on your list (and a few thereafter) consist of only two food groups: baking and curry. My conclusion; there's no point in fighting it, from this international sample, the human diet, by choice, is fundamentally cake and curry. I look forward to reading through them all over the weekend. Happy Easter x
As ever, a FAB round-up Dom and so many lush looking random recipes too! I agree with Little Macaroon – our Random Recipes, collectively, seem to be cake and curry! NO cheating there then! LOL! Karen
Oh! Once again, the month has slipped by and I have forgotten to post my random recipe … no matter, though. This line-up is fabulous and isn't it quirky that so many curries made the 'must make' stashes? So many excellent baking options to pick up for Easter baking too! Another killer list of goodies, Dom!
I could happily live on cake and curry. Reckon I have done, some weeks. Great round up Dom, can't wait to settle in and read them all.
Cake and curry, haha, I love it! 🙂 Yet again another fantastic selection of recipes!
Fine round up as ever. Fascinating to see what recipes people collect – I should really dig out some more collected scraps. I'm sure that I'd go to a restaurant called 'Cakes and Curry' given the chance.
So odd because until Little Mac pointed it out I hadn't noticed the cake/curry thing! I love it. The whole world revolves on cake and curry. Xxx
Awesome round up and I too would eat any day at a restaurant called Cake and Curry! Thanks for hosting, Dom. I am looking forward to reading all the lovely posts this month. As Camilla says, if we clipped it out or wrote it down, it must mean these were recipes we thought would be good, so how could we go wrong?
Hi Dominic, just wanted to stop by and wish you and your loved ones a very Happy Easter!
Oh my goodness! Missed another one. Where did that month go? And it wasn't that I didn't cook but unfortunately it never made it to the computer. What can I say. Great roundup though – hope April doesn't wiz by like March.
Another great round up! I'm anticipating next month's theme.
Now we all know what kind of cut-outs and clippings are worth keeping. Already from the looks of it I can say there are some more I would have kept as well. Great round-up, Dom. It was a good read … as always!
I could live on curry and cake. I feel bereft, not having had time to take part this month, but I did enjoy reading all the stories of where the clippings came from.
This is a nice round up and was a clever idea for a challenge as it is so easy to let those cuttings etc, build up. I don't have a blog but you have encouraged me this month to tidy my cuttings up, pulling together several piles at last and also to make 3 savoury and 2 sweet dishes from those piles. When you are in your suxties like me the piles get quite big. So thank you. My sister in law told me about the website My Dish for storing recipes so I think I will start to add at least one a month there. The trouble is that it is just giving me even more ideas and my liist is growing longer. At least it isn't paper based. I noticed you can search on ingredients, meals and even what is in your fridge and wondered if this might be a good basis for a future Random Recipe Challenge. Keep up the good work and promotion of Lincolnshire. Happy Easter to you and yours. Barbara.
great collection of creative recipes love it