… not only has February been a completely bonkers month but i’m currently writing this blog post from my sick-bed where i’m residing due to the on-set of what can only be described as the worst sickness EVER… wracked with the deep sweats… sore throat… dodgy tummy and aching limbs… yet i’ve still found time to bring you this months excellent random recipes round-up… aren’t I a brave little soldier…?
… and kicking us of this month is the lovely Rachel from Marmaduke Scarlet with a deliciously warming chicken stewed with berber red spice paste randomly picked from Home Food by Richard Whittington
see the rest of your stunning 28 entries after the jump…
and next up is Jane from Onions and Paper with a terrifically retro Turnip, Potato and Carrot Hash taken from the 1973 edition of Supercookery and it is truly super is it not?
here’s Stella who happens to be Lola and Finn’s Mum and a recipe for Easy Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese Croutons she got Finn to randomly select from Ina Garten’s Barefoot Contessa Foolproof, a book which Lola chose from the shelf. Nice work kids!
next is Phil from As Strong As Soup with an oddly titled recipe called Country Captain taken from a lost book last seen back in the 80’s… most definitely random my dear Phil…
even though most of her books are still packed away since her big move here is Suzanne from This Upside Down Life with some stunning Enchiladas Suizas and some eye-popping Green Rice taken from Rachael Ray’s My Year in Meals
next is Elizabeth from Law Students Cookbook and a first for her and me with a random recipe of Chicken with Spicy Onions taken from The Best Ever Indian Cookbook
here’s Alex from Gingey Bites with a simply stunning Pecorino and Balsamic Risotto randomly chosen from Two Greedy Italians and a surprise ingredient of balsamic vinegar at the end which is what these random recipes is all about… discovery!
next up is Claire from the brilliant Under the Blue Gum Tree and her fabulous Squidgy Chocolate Cakes with Raspberry Compote chosen randomly from 200 Chocolate Recipes by the hystericall
y monikered Felicity Barnum-Bobb… genius…
y monikered Felicity Barnum-Bobb… genius…
Camilla from Little Macaroon so brilliantly puts our love of Nigel Slater so brilliantly to bed with his Grilled Mustard and Herb Chicken… and copes with a missing cat and some burnt chicken… it’s genius… just go and read it… poor love.
and next up is a slightly unusual one from Gill over at Tales of Pigling Bland with a recipe for a Vintage Loaf Cake Recipe that a colleague of hers found in some old recipe files… it’s credited to a Mrs Mary Durham of Roydon, Essex
and here’s the ever-lovely Janice from Farmersgirl Kitchen and a very moreish looking Rice Pudding with Butterscotch Apples taken from HFW’s The River Cottage Year
next along the random recipes train is the bizarro world of Chris from Cooking Around the World and a Chicken on Chickpeas taken from Jamie’s America. I think it looks rather lovely, Chris was neither here nor there…
and next up is Random Recipes Virgin Anneli from Delicieux with some Sardines in a Spicy Sauce or to put it more elegantly like Anneli herself Les Sardines Fraiches En Escarbeche randomly selected from the brilliant Goose Fat and Garlic by Jeanne Strang
here’s the delightfully fragrant Karen from Lavender and Lovage with a simple but gorgeous Fenland Celery Soup taken from The Complete Farmhouse Kitchen Cookbook… a classic and a favourite all in one random recipe… gorgeous!
next up is another random recipes champion, the wonderfully chocolate enhanced Choclette from the Chocolate Log Blog and her divine Chocolate Pancakes with Blackcurrant and Rose Compote taken from the Chococo Chocolate Cookbook by Claire Burnet
and here’s Natalie, the Hungry Hinny with some more chocolate in the form of this rather fancy looking Chocolate Hazelnut and Marzipan Torte chosen randomly from Boutique Baking by Peggy Porschen. Humblingly professional don’t you think…
and next up is Amanda from
Dancing Veggies who left it to her Joe to pick Jerusalem by Ottolenghi and this very sophisticated Tomato and Sourdough Soup… heaven!
Dancing Veggies who left it to her Joe to pick Jerusalem by Ottolenghi and this very sophisticated Tomato and Sourdough Soup… heaven!
and now we have Janet from The Taste Space who it seems will not be visiting this recipe for Turkish Freekeh Pilaf with Chickpeas taken from Turquoise again… I guess you win some and you lose some with random recipes… this one we can file under ‘made it… but never again’
the lovely TIFFIN has been very creative this month, even though she’s in need of some very nimble fingers with these Mini Apple Pastries chosen randomly from The Woman’s Weekly Easy Entertaining Cookbook… get your lattice fingers at the ready dear!
next is Ruth from Makey-Cakey who, after some stern parenting, came up with this very practical Almost Norfolk Hotpot taken from the very sensible Mary Berry’s Freezer Book.
and here’s Sally the Recipe Junkie and a truly wonderful post about old finds and hand-me-down recipes and this glorious recipe for Boeuf a la Movie!
next is Lucy The KitchenMaid with a fabulously COLOURFUL Bermuda Salad taken from the vey strict and wonderfully now retro Moosewood Cookbook by Molly Katzen
and next up is the delightfully lovely Susan from The Spice Garden with this sumptuous and ‘i-want-it-now’ Cake aux Olives et Jambon taken from Linda Dannenberg’s Paris Boulangerie et Patisserie
and here’s Elizabeth from Elizabeth’s Kitchen with some very chic and rather knock-out Chocolate Topped Cupcakes randomly selected from Nigella Bites
and next here’s Gary from Exploits of a Food Nut with a rather fabulous and very swish looking Peach, Honey and Pistachio Tart randomly selected from the brilliant Eric Lanlard’s Tart it Up…a great book and an excellent tart Gary!
and finally it’s the More Than Occasional Baker herself Ros with these scrummy looking little Banana, Walnut and White Choc Chip Muffins taken from Magic Baking by Kate Shirazi
oh look… slinking in at the very last minute like a naughty teenager is Lou from Please Do Not Feed The Animals with the meat-heavy but still rather fabulous Fideos En Cazuela taken from the fantastic The Food of Spain by Claudia Roden
a few stragglers always coming in late… here’s the delightful Vanessa from Cakes and Teacups with this double whammy recipe for Meatzza which can only be something Nigella would dream up…
and here’s Ruth from 8&Ruth with a very very random but really rather wonderful recipe for Wartime Stuffed Carrots taken from a magnificently retro Health for all Wartime Recipes by Margaret Y Brady
and of course now the mystery is solved, thanks to the lovely Stacy from the brilliant Food Lust People Love, who did in fact post a recipe for me of Chicken Livers on Toast
…that this recipe is indeed from the wonderful Cooking Up a Storm in a Teacup… how could I have forgotten!
…well it seems you all quite enjoyed the freedom that this month brought you for your random recipes and I thank you once again for your marvellous entries… I hope you don’t get too comfortable, next month will not be so easy, I can promise you that…
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Sorry to hear you are so poorly Dom – but despite that, it's a great and inspiring round up!
Oh no, I have a sore throat this morning. Hope I'm not getting what you've got! Get well soon and thanks for a great round up. X
I hope you are feeling better soon. Well done on a great round-up, especially when you're feeling poorly!
Get well soon chum. I can't put my finger on why, but I think this is one of my favourite round ups to date – all the posts I've read so far have been brilliant. Random Recipes is inspiring excellence the world over.
Great round up – I haven't come across that 'missing' post in my travels across the blogosphere but if I see it I'll shout!
Blimey, there are some absolute stunners out there! A really good round-up – I love the stories, photos and the recipes. I need to start ferreting out some of these books too. So thanks to everyone for the inspiration.
Oh poor old Dom – your dedication is most noble! Seriously, have had a minor cold myself the last few days and survived on a diet of hot chocolate and Fisherman's Friends (not at the same time I can assure you!). Also made a cold-cure of cider vinegar, honey and cayenne. I can't say that it has made me whole but it definitely cleared out all the tubes, so to speak!
There's fantastic posts this month. Nom nom nom – making me hungry! Hope you're feeling better soon, I'm going down with something similar I think. I posted my recipe here, if it's allowed in. 🙂
Wonderful entries this month, Dom, and I am so sorry you are under the weather. Like Ruth, I thought I was cutting it fine but would be in on time. I totally forgot that this was a short month. I know I missed the round up but will still write about the challenge and add the link. Get well soon!!
P.S. A Google images search says the photo from the missing blog is from http://cookingupastorminateacup.blogspot.com/ if that helps jog your memory.
And instead of writing my own post, (Always more fun to do someone else's homework, don't you think?) I read back and found it for you. http://cookingupastorminateacup.blogspot.com/2013/02/random-recipe-25-choice-is-yours.html
You are welcome!
That sounds like what's laid up my husband & me this week, no fun at all. Hope you feel better soon! And thanks for the great roundup.
get you Stacy!… thank you xxx
Sorry you are feeling poorly 🙁 So far I've avoided the various plagues going around the office, I guess we shall see how long that lasts…
True dedication, dear Dom! I sure hope you are tucked up and taking it easy. Get well soon! As for this round-up, I am always amazed at the variety and talent out there in the cooking world! I've bookmarked a few to try this month!
Perhaps by the time you are reading this you are feeling better Dom. There are some great recipe ideas here Dom.
So sorry to hear you are poorly – hope you soon feel better.
It's a cracking good round-up this time, such variety….will spend a happy time checking it all out with a glass of something later….
I made my entry but fell foul of the short month phenonemon so it will have to wait until later….looking forward to next time.
Definitely a brave little soldier! An excellent round up as always. I'm so pleased I got to participate this month. Am now quaking in my boots wondering what you have in store for us next month! Get well soon xx
Get well soon…pass us a stuffed carrot while you're at it (I must try those) xxx
Hope you're feeling better soon – sounds pretty miserable! Well done for managing to write about food whilst feeling poorly – no mean feat.
Great to see so many entries and lots that I'd like to make! Thanks for being kind this month, will check back with trepidation tomorrow to see what the next challenge holds… x
Love you, love it all Dom. Hope you get better very soon and back in your kitchen cooking up a storm with this little lot.
Stuffed carrots – really?
A fine round up and some really interesting stuff this month. You show excellent devotion to duty – get well soon.
Oh no – I thought we had until the 28th. Just finished my write up to be posted tomorrow. Oh well – have to be more organised next month. Hope you feel better soon.
Oh poor Dom thanks for doing this from your sick bed…get well soon.
SO sorry to everyone… I think we all fell victim to the Feb 28th saga… I always post my round-ups 2 days before the end of the month but I will always include any stragglers!
My favorite day of the month is the Random Recipe roundup! All the dishes look great!
Great round-up, Dom. If you could link back to my recipe, that would be great!
A FAB round up Dom and I am so sorry to hear that you are ill; Malcolm is gravely ill too, has pneumonia, which is worrying! I cant wait to see what the new RR is! Get well soon, Karen
blimey Janet… you know my brain stops functioning when i'm tired! xxx
I hope you are feeling better, Dom! I guess you will be after putting yourself to so many lovely recipes. Thank you for being so brave and writing from the sick bed!
Hope you're on the mend. Really enjoyed reading this round up. Such an interesting bunch of recipes. Randomness rules!
Oh get well soon Dom, thanks for a great round up – I'm feeling VERY inspired after reading all those wonderful entries.
Hope you're feeling much better by now!! Another great round-up full of interesting entries. Sorry I couldn't take part last month – I ran out of time due to moving and just generally not being terribly organised.
Thank you for sharing superb informations. Your site is very cool.