… yes, ladies and gentlemen the inevitable, filthy, sordid and quite frankly scary has finally happened… tea time treats and random recipes have spawned a little baby… a chimera of blogging challenges… oh yes dear reader, this month Karen from Lavender and Lovage, Kate from What Kate Baked and I bring you the bastard child that is tea time random recipes…
… tea… a most misleading of words. Isn’t it amazing how three simple letters can have so much meaning..? For many of us tea is a drink with jam and bread, a wonderful brew quite literally steeped in an empire of history… to most of the working classes and those from the north, tea is a meal that is eaten when you get home in the evening (us posher southerners and those with pretensions above their station refer to the same meal as dinner, which they think of as lunch… confused..? You will be…) … there is, of course, my favourite – afternoon tea… a freshly baked scone or a finger sandwich served with tea from a pot… and then there’s high tea, or supper and this really could be anything savoury or sweet… all thoroughly British of course…
… so for this months random recipes we challenge you to randomly pick a tea time treat… and I personally think the best way to do this is to find a book or a group of books that best represent what you think of as tea time and randomly select a page from it… for example…
… I went straight for my most British of books, Great British Grub by Brian Turner, full of classic British food suitable for any type or class of tea and randomly turned to page 149 where I found the MOST random of all randomness the Prawn Cocktail Cakes… one can just imagine Queen Victoria scarfing this down around 5pm of a balmy Indian evening can’t one?… I shall be cobbling this together later in the month…
… as usual the rules are simple:
1 – select a book or collection of books that best represent what YOU think of as tea time food
10 – if you tweet your posts please mention @belleaukitchen, @KarenBurnsBooth and use the hashtag #teatimerandomrecipes and we will retweet all those we see
11 – your post can be submitted to other blogging challenges, just make sure this complies wit the rules of the other challenge.
Okay dokey. You are posting early today. Tea for me is the evening meal but for this I think I'll go afternoon tea. Can't wait.
Good lord, a three-headed monster indeed! I shall gather my most English books together and roll the dice…
To be authentically English to the Nth degree, is it permissible to scoop up one's take-away menus and randomnly pick one? I mean, surely a telephone is a kitchen utensil these days, ne c'est pas? And foil does look so very much like silverware when viewed in a low candlelight …
No? Very well, I shall ring for Cook immediately.
My my … aren't we getting complicated? That's okay … making tea treats should be great fun! And photographing a tea party will be a challenge!
YES! So glad that you all LIKE our JOINT venture! Dom and I are SO excited about what you will all come up with……afternoon tea, high tea, tea, tea time, it's ALL good, so BRIB IT ON! Karen (Part two of the Tea Time Random Recipes Plotting and Planning crew!)
LOL Lucy! We knew you would LOVE this! Karen
Very excited!!! Good work guys!! : )
Prawn cocktail cake? Next will be a Victoria Sponge pie?? I miss my teas 🙁
I love this one! I fell in love with the British Empire and afternoon tea when I first moved overseas to Trinidad as a young child. Ended up marrying a Brit I met in another former colony, Brunei, many years later. I can't wait to flip through my cookbooks for an appropriate recipe. Smashing good fun.
Love ir – putting time in my diary right now so as I can take part for once ;0)
Random-Tea-Time-Treats-Recipes! Love, love, love. See you on the other side!
Another step towards world domination? 🙂 LOVE this idea and I've already picked my recipe and baked it last night… all will be revealed soon 🙂
Tea for me is the evening meal of the day, but for this I wil go with afternoon tea as this seems to be the general opinion, you posh lot…lol!
Is what we have in our house. If I tell my Lovely Hubby he's having afternoon tea he'll be expecting Supper as well!!
Sue xx
What a splendid idea and by combining two challenges in one, it means I don't have to think too hard – providing I don't pick anything too difficult that is!
Oh, I go for afternoon tea and have already a book in mind without even thinking (if that makes sense). It's time to roll the randomizer then …