… now I realise that this may seem like the most tenuous link ever but I did, honestly have the alphabakes challenge in mind when I made this cake… let me explain… the alphabakes challenge, hosted alternatively by Ros from The More Than Occasional Baker and Caroline from Caroline Makes has the letter T as it’s theme this month… as you can imagine it’s a wonderfully easy one… T for Traybake… T for Tart Tatin… T for Trifle… T for Tiramisu… you get the idea… but as is typical of me i’ve gone slightly left of field…
… I was a little bored yesterday and decided that cake baking was simply the only thing to do and sometimes I like to just open the cupboard, then open the fridge and take my influence by stealth… sadly the fridge was pretty bare, one duck egg, one hens egg and a little butter… and the baking cupboard is in desperate need of a re-stock since I had a clear-out at the weekend… 4 year-old jellied orange slices lurking in a dark corner could perhaps be thrown out… so I only had a small bag of flour to work with…
… however, I suddenly remembered i’d asked my dear neighbour Tracey to pick my ripening purple gooseberries whilst I was away in Spain, which she did and placed in her freezer… so I let myself in to her home, took my gooseberries and helped myself to a couple of stalks of rhubarb whilst I was there… I realise this makes me sound like a total thief but we do have an understanding… I raid her larder in return for cake…
I think you are drawing a long bow here to incorporate that letter T! Having said that let me say this….. a bloody good cake. One that I will definitely copy!
I love this kind of cake – and “this” begins with a T, too !!
What a gorgeous cake, even though it's a very tenuous link to T. And there you go – T is for tenuous! LOL!
LOL.. a bit of a stretch on the T, but hey, I'm totally with you… You could go with Terrific Tart too.. that way you have two T's 🙂
Either way, the cake looks amazing!!
He he, Dom you are so cheeky but I love this even more for it 🙂 I think we should start a new “Be as tenuous as you can with your bake challenege entries” challenge. Ever month we set a theme and the person with the most convoluted link wins.
Very creative baking, Dom! I do envy your cozy arrangement with your neighbor!
Right then … gooseberries (in any colour variety) are on my shopping list!
Tart? Tarty? Who care, it looks scrumptious Dom. Those gooseberries are a fantastic colour. I'm hoping our gooseberry bushes might actually produce next year – we have two red and two green – in theory!
You could start a trend for Tart Cakes!! This looks like a lovely bake with a great combination of ingredients! 🙂
Tracy's Fruit Cake – see it was easy to use the T! The fruit combo sounds so good. x
Looks very good to me – actually, terribly good (that starts with a T). I've really enjoyed the gooseberries this year – they're a seriously underrated berry.
Oddly enough, I've been called a Cake Tart before now.
Your oven gets lots of love. You are always whipping up some delicious treat. It is so nice to have wonderful neighbors that you are comfortable with. I love that you cam just pop into their house.
It is so much fun as well as a challenge to come up with a delicious treat when the larder is nearly bare! I don't have gooseberries but do have rhubarb in the freezer. This “T” is for tart may be mixed up for the weekend. Your description leading up to this creation is delightful. Thanks.
My parents always grew gooseberries in their garden when I was growing up.
As others have said, stretching a point, but with a cake that good you can be forgiven I think!
I do like a cake with fresh fruit in the summer – this looks lovely Dom. It's great that you have such a good relationship with your neighbours.
Lovely story Dom and gorgeous looking cake!
A LOVELY entry for Alphabakes and I LOVE my pink gooseberries, although they are LONG gone now, so I can have some of your cake!
I think you could have simply called it “Thieving Purple Gooseberry Lemon Rhubarb Cake” and have been covered! LOL!!! Any way you slice it, it looks delicious and moist!
A tenuous link indeed which also starts with T so I'll let you off ;P Absolutely gorgeous cake – well done for making it from your almost bare cupboard. Love it!