…as you know June was a bit of a sad month for me and The Viking and whilst I did my fair share of blogging it all felt like a bit of a duty rather than the fun it should have been and i’m sure many of you will agree with me here… sometimes the pressure of being a blogger can weigh heavy on us all…
… to alieveate the pressure this month I thought i’d do something a little different and a little less stressful… something that should be easy for us all to do, a little fun and informative and hopefully bring us up nice and fresh in August for something a bit more challenging… so instead of asking you to cook a random recipe… this month I would like you all to photograph those cookbooks…
… do you ever find yourself talking on the phone, emailing or tweeting with a blogger friend or family member and wishing you could picture where they were in their home… or what their home looks like if they happen to be half way across the world…? I do… and if it’s with someone whose home i’ve never been to, when I do finally get to visit I always make a point of finding out where they call me or email me from… so I can picture the scene for next time…
… and so you see, every month I ask you all to choose your random recipes from a pile of books that I have no idea about how they look… where they sit in your homes… how many there are…
random recipes #18 – something a little different…
1. take a photo of your book / books / bookshelf / bookshelves / library
2. post the picture and tell us all a little story about your books
3. include the random recipes logo and link back to this blog
5. email me at dom at belleaukitchen dot co dot uk or tweet me @belleaukitchen
4. you have until the end of the month to enter
…as many of you will know I recently had my kitchen made-over… a wall knocked down here… a new oven there… and whilst we kept our old kitchen units and re-invented them for the new kitchen I made sure that I would have a proper place for the growing number of cookbooks I own… before the new shelves I would place my books on a teeny window ledge on some kind of rotation system… with no room for the poor things to breath… and now, even though to be honest I could do with 3 more shelves, they have room to shuffle and show-off a little… although I keep my three most-used within easy reach…
… and there is of course the ‘bathroom-collection’ of duplicates and smaller or more obscure books, or even those which I find make excellent toilet reading…
…so it really couldn’t be simpler and we may all learn a little bit more about our cooking and blogging friends and where they get those wonderful random recipes from… go on… get snapping!
Great idea! It will be interesting to see who has the biggest pile of recipe books -I might have to go and tidy mine a bit first though!
Oh yes, I LOVE this idea and it's definitely one I know I can manage! Great idea Dom.
x x x
What a great idea Dom!! I love this idea – I always wonder about the behind-the-scenes of the blogs I read. Basically I'm just really nosy and love seeing people's kitchens and homes. In a non-creepy way, obviously. (Awkward.)
Do, you are such a star! Brilliant idea, will be taking pics today. Look forward to the round up and a nosy at everyone's collection.
FABULOUS idea and I LOVE this! I hope you and the Viking are feeling a bit better now, I am SI up for this darlink! Hugs and lots of love, Karen
PS: NOW I know what you meant on my FB page! XX
Oh Dom, I love how your mind works … this is a fun idea … of course, I will artfully 'shoot' the bookshelf, and the desk pull-out, and the coffee table, and the bedside basket, and the kitchen island corner … ha! they're spread all over the grey cottage!
XO… hope you're doing better this week friend!
What a fun idea! I've got cookbooks staked all over the place! Yikes, where to begin, well the bookshelves of course, then there's the cottage in Maine, no shelves, just a stack of books! I don't have any in the bathroom! LOL!!! I tend to read my cookbooks like most people read novels!
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“Time heals all wounds”…I was told that once when I lost my gran last year. The pain was too great. It's what got me started blogging in the first place. With kind words from fellow bloggers as I am learning how to cook, blogging about them and participating in some of your challenges I began to mend. I wish the same for you and this is such a wonderful idea of a challenge. The joy of seeing where everyone have placed their cookbooks! : ) I wish you well Dom..
Oh! I see you have Marvin the Martian!! : )
This is a lovely idea Dom. My books are all over the place but I don't have a bathroom collection…great idea!
I did do your challenge and posted it but was too late. I thought Saturday was the deadline..I made grilled polenta from he Big Bean Cookbook I'll hopefully be more efficient this month.
This sounds like a really fun challenge.
I hope that July will be a much happier and less stressful month for you and the VIking.
Brilliant idea Dom especially since I can still participate without being in the kitchen (once I get home) I'll have to have a big tidy up first though 😉 Hope you and the Viking are getting back to normality XX
Great idea !!
We have two collections, one of which is in the downstairs loo !! I wonder how many pictures of loos you will get…….just getting the Mr Sheen and the duster out before I photograph anything……
Fantastic idea – though, cookbooks in the toilet? Strikes me as just wrong!
you forgot to include the stack of food magazines and other books dotted on the bookshelves in the living room and hall
I love this idea Dom- it appeals greatly to the nosy parker in me….
So glad you're doing this this month. I can photograph my shelves here and then my little collection in Brittany, better get dusting tomorrow!
I'll be taking the photograph soon… This is wonderful. I am quite nosy. Brilliant idea Dom!
I love this idea Dom and my lvoely new bookshelf should be arriving on 10th so this is the perfect excuse to line 'em all up and take a photograpf of the before and after pile!
Hello i like this new ideas……….
kitchens toowoomba
This is such a fun idea! Mine used to teeter in precarious piles but since we turned spare room into study they all have a proper home on a proper bookcase. Will be getting involved… x
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Have to say I completely agree with your comment on my blog! You are indeed a genius… possibly and evil one ;o) but definitely a genius nonetheless. Am feeling a spate of kitchen tidying coming on, after recording the chaos on film… and looking forward to having a nosey into my fellow bloggers' bookshelves!
Oh yes, this is genius and I love it! Get me the camera now and thank you for making it so original :))x
I've just found your Random Recipes (what a great idea) and am so pleased to have found it on such a genius idea month! I love to see what other books people have. Hopefully this will prove I'm not alone in my cookbook obsession. Will need to get the duster out but will be photographing them soon.
Fab, I will be able to post a before and after picture. thanks.
Great idea Dom! There must be something in the air as have completely lost my blogging mojo of late. This morning is the first time I've dipped my toe back in in ages.
Nice one Dom. It will be fun to see where all the cookbooks hide out. And enjoyed seeing a bit more of your new kitchen. When do we get the grand tour?
Oh and I have that very same little bottle of Italian wine (or whatever it is) as you. Not quite sure what to do with it!
I've joined in for the first time, Dom. And my husband Mark, of Mark's Veg Plot, says I have to say hello from him too. Now you know where the inspiration for the lovely food he features on his blog comes from.
My cookbooks are still boxed up from our house move, and won't be re-packed until we've managed to lay a new floor, so you might be getting a photo of a LOT of cardboard boxes! Really looking forward to seeing all the entries for this, I often read blogs and wonder what people's collections look like…
What a brilliant idea.
I have my main recipe books in the office which is just off the kitchen, but they are literally everywhere in the house, except the toilet that is, now that's a first for me to see….lol !!
Joining in this for the first time with my brand new Blog.
Sue xx
Mine are all over the place and some are in boxes as I have run out of shelf space. Will add this.
I have written this months on my to do list – as I always forget!
I suppose I now have to remove all the other stuff that's loitering on the bookshelves..
Sounds like fun, may I play too?
Trying to get this done in time. Love the idea.
It is 80’s style kitchen it is simple but good looking kitchen. Very neat and clean cabinets
oak dresser