…and it mostly seems to be the newest books that have the biggest issue as authors strike exclusivity deals with their publishers and can get into trouble if recipes from their newly published books are seen to be plastered all over the internet… although in this day and age Lord knows how anyone can expect anything different… they almost become victims of their own success…
… now we all have different styles of food blogging… some of us review…some of us bake… some of us do a little of everything… do NOT let anyone intimidate you into thinking that your way of blogging is wrong… what i’m saying is, is if you believe that you need to share someone else’s recipe, particularly if it comes from a newly published book, be honest about where you got it from and do try, if you can, to get permission from the publishers to re-print it… encourage your readers to purchase the books themselves by including links to amazon or other on-line retailers… I, as well as many of you, have gone out and purchased books entirely because i’ve seen recipes printed on other peoples blogs…
…and I suppose that all that’s left to say is thank you for celebrating Random Recipes first birthday with me… I really REALLY couldn’t do this challenge without you good people!
… we’re off to a cracking start with a Random Recipes Virgin, Denise from the delightful Magnolia Verandah with this rather wonderful looking Baked Ham and Cheese Bread Pudding take from Apples for Jam by Tessa Kinross
jum Anand
g into my second year of Random Recipes!
Dom, did you forget me 😉 ??
Where is my recipe?
Have a nice dat
sorry Manu… you're in there now!!
No problem!!!!
You're faster than Superman…
Well said in your introduction, Dom. We all needed to hear that and you put it so well. It's comforting for those of us who have been on the receiving end of the bogey man's nastiness and now wish to put it behind us and move on.
This looks like a marvellous round-up and I'm really looking forward to delving in and baking may way through a whole lot of them. Thanks for organising another great Random Recipe Challenge.
Well said, Dom!
Just one addition, my understanding is that the method itself, as in the actual steps one takes to make the recipe, is also not copyrighted, but what is copyrighted is the author's own words/ phrasing in describing these.
So, using the exact same method, and writing the exact same method, is not copyright, provided you write it in your own words. I do mean properly in your own words, rather than occasional changing of a word or two.
I've been fortunate enough to be sent a lot of cookery books for review, by the publishers, and sometimes I've copied the method verbatim. I have also written a detailed review of the book, and included links for readers to buy it (and know that some have purchased through my referral link, and others have also bought but independently). I always send the links of the reviews to the publishers/ PRs afterwards and they've never once asked me not to include a recipe, and indeed continue to send me books. It seems it's more of an issue for some / one editor(s) than most.
It is important to be aware of the issue, of course. I'm no keener to see anyone pass the fruits of my labour off as their own than anyone else.
However, I agree wholeheartedly with your advice not to allow worries about the current debate to scare bloggers from blogging, or to make them feel like criminals.
great round up Dom, happy birthday to Random Recipes, and I look forward to taking part in year 2! (though for the next two months, with all my books in a container ship, it may be more of a challenge than usual… I'll try my best!)
Well said Dom, great advice, I think we are all a little more aware/savvy/clued-up now after last week's events and more. A lovely round up and Happy 1st Birthday. Your into's make me laugh and Michael's Timbale is staggering! I will join in next month…it will have only taken me a year! x
What a fabulous round up, so many delicious recipes and talented cooks and bloggers.
I really appreciate your introduction, I have bought so many new cookery books in the last year (I now have 250+ in the UK, and 60+ in France) through reading positive reviews and seeing recipes working on other blogs. Jude x
A topical intro – hear hear.
What a line up of recipes – how fabulous. Happy 1st Birthday.
Thank you for the wonderful information and introducing me and the cake I had prepared. This is quite exciting for me! I'm now inspired to cook even more and blog more than ever! It's so wonderful to see all of these amazing dishes. I'm so delighted to be a part of this. Thanks again! : )
Oh very well said Dom. You've put it most succinclty and with feeling and as you say I hope no-one has been put off and we can all just get on with blogging as usual.
Brilliant write up with some stunning photos – really enjoyed reading it. Happy 1st birthday to my favourite challenge.
This is a marvelous posting, Dom.
I agree with you and Kavey, Dom. It is important to state your inspiration or source when tackling a recipe from a cookbook, but that being said, so many recipes are very much alike, technique is somewhat different and it all comes down to how the recipe is laid out in words. making the recipe your own through re-wording is the only way to cover your tail …
I suppose though, that if someone (editor or cookbook author) wants to make life miserable for bloggers or newspaper and magazine publishers they will try to copyright , “Crack an egg.” Shame on them for cutting off an audience that might be their next group of supporters …
A great roundup Dom. Well done on your rant xx
What a fantastic round up – that would have been one extra special Birthday Party if we had all been together!!
Great intro/rant as well. It's too bad what's been going on recently – you would think in this day in ages with so many bloggers out there, all authors and publishers would be delighted to have people reviewing their books and sharing their insights! Oh well, I guess there's always one ; )
Happy Birthday to the Random Recipes! Thank you for the perfect rant/intro. We need people like you to remind this community why we are here, fear left behind.
I agree with your views. The important thing is to be honest. Don't pretend that someone else's idea is yours, and give credit where deserved. I think authors / editors ought to be flattered to see that people actually want to use and publicise their recipes!
What a great round up – I did plan to take part, I even got as far as choosing the recipe, but I landed on Danish pastries which I just haven't had time for!
I wholeheartedly agree with your introduction – I too have bought books on the basis of recipe write ups I've seen online, but things I've read recently have made me feel like the way I blog isn't 'the right way'… Thanks for speaking up!
Here, here Dom.
Great round up too!
A great roundup Dom – I enjoyed reading down through all the recipe posts. As for copyright protected materials, there's not much more to be said than you've already said and I plan to tweet your post because it's well written and succinct – thanks for sharing =)
Fabulous collection at Random Recipes.Thanks for introducing me to such great chefs and dishes!!
Great post and round up Dom! I agree with you about all this copyright thing…
Fantastic entries this month… I'm drooling at that custard tart (will be checking that out next). I look forward to the next challenge.
Excellent post. I count on blogs to let me know which cookbooks are worth it and which are not; I am sure that we increase sales. I love how eclectic the selection is this time round. Happy birthday!
wow a great review of recipe 😡 super love it 🙂
happy birthday dear .
Interesting post Dom. I'd been reading Lucy's post about the same thing over at the kitchenmaid blog. It seems that some cookery writers are much more sensitive about the issue than others…thanks for clarifying a bit.
Great challenge again some lovely recipe. Thanks for hosting for another year. Happy Birthday…her's to another awesome year.
I am going to keep my filthy hands to myself for just a minute to say to you BLOODY WELL DONE for your wise and honest intro' – you said it all, and in a manner in which anyone can see is honest and sensible…..GOOD for you Dom!
Now back to the round up, JUST look at all of those GREAT recipes for your 1st Birthday! It's just an amazing list of food porn if you ask me!
Too many honests there in that post, but you know what I mean darlink…..so well put!
Fab collection again, Dom.
I couldn't agree with you more Dom and thanks for putting the message out, power to the bloggers!
Wow, what an amazing birthday party, imagine if we had all been there with all that food, wouldn't it have been wonderful?
what a great great great roundup! I love the look of everything, am off to see them all (:
Well said, Dom. And well done too to all the RR crew, us oldies and you newbies alike. Bloomin' good fun, playing with your recipe books, innit?
wei! its jut like a roundtrip all around the world haha! so many amazing recipe ..! so good!
exactly this is what ive looking for!
So many delicious recipes Dom. I believe that even the top chefs got their inspiration for their recipes somewhere. I wonder at what point a recipe truly becomes your own. Personally I think that if we give clear credit where credit is due bloggers are actually increasing exposure to what might possibly be a otherwise unknown.
Happy birthday to Random Recipes! Thanks for a great round up Dom, I'm completely blown away by the amazing recipes and writing and photos out there. Wow.
As for the rest of it – I'm in complete agreement with you and pretty much anyone else, especially those of us who take the time to acknowledge the sources of recipes. But really, who invented the wheel? Who can decide if a recipe is completely original? I made something today for eg that was out of my head and using stuff up I already had, but I'm 100% sure that if I googled, there would already be a million versions of the same thing in existence.
I'm also not very well disposed to the now-infamous managers of certain food writers who are trying to clamp down on whatever they think we're doing wrong, but are going about it in completely the wrong way. There is at least one food writer now who will never see any of my money, which is a shame as -up till now – I'd always liked his writing (Dan Lepard, I'm looking at you).
I cant resist this. all of it is good
awesome pips 🙂
Hi Dom, a massive thank you for the copyright pep talk! I was feeling a bit hurt and miffed by being contacted by someone who works with a well know food writer about a recipe I posted a year ago. Despite the fact that I had devised the recipe some time ago without reference to theirs, I posted a link to their version, saying that I wish I had seen theirs first! I also linked to their own website and to their books on Amazon and to the publisher. There was an implication of plagiarism which really p*ssed me off! But I bit my tongue and ended up removing the recipe as I couldn't be bothered to argue. However, and here is the childish toy out of the pram moment which makes me feel better . . . I won't ever be referencing this person and their work again!
Honey. Glad I could pep you up. I don't think there's a foodie left in blog land who hasn't been touched by the withered hand of this bitter old queen. Short and definitely not sweet!
Oooooh, you are naughty!