… welcome, welcome, one and all to the wonderful sights, sounds and smells of Random Recipes Number Nine!… and what a month it has been. Yes, I had the cheek to pair you off with fellow food weirdo’s but look at what you all produced, you clever, talented folk…
… i’m posting early today and I know there are a couple of you who couldn’t get it in in time this month, and that’s cool… you can always send it to me later and i’ll add it on… but now onwards and upwards… reading glasses on…
first to deliver her entry this month was Karen from Lavender and Lovage, quickly becoming another keen favourite blog of mine, with this lovely Cream of Onion Soup from the Women’s Institute Book of Favourite Recipes
Karen was teamed with Ruth from Makey-Cakey who has made this Green Bean and Parmesan Soup taken from The Soup Bible… I have this brilliant book and would have been glad of any of the recipes!
Victoria from 21st Century Urban Housewife made these Minted Peas, chosen from Jamies Ministry of Food… she didn’t like them but she made them none-the-less… now that’s RR dedication!
Victoria was teamed with Michael from Me, My Food and I, who made Bubble and Squeak with Bacon and Egg taken from Economy Gastronomy by Allegra McEvedy and Paul Merrett
Manu from Cooking Manu made this stunning Arrosto even though she doesn’t eat meat, she made it anyway and gave it to the family, who loved it! The arrosto was teaken from Today You Cook by Anna Clerici and Antonella Morini
Manu was teamed with Sid from Spontaneous Euphoria who has a bit of a recipe fail when she made these adorable Orange and Ginger Satined Glass Biscuits taken from 101 Cupcakes and Small Bakes by BBC Food
and on to the more Random of Recipes… Lucy from The KitchenMaid overcame her fear of frying and really went out guns blazing with this incredible dish of Egyptian FishBalls in Tomato Sauce taken from New Pleasures of the Jewish Table by Denise Phillips
Lucy was teamed with Gary from Exploits of a Food Nut who made this incredible Scallop, Squid and Fennel taken from James Martin’s My Kitchen
Hi Dom, beautiful recipes, very fun!!!
Have a nice day
Dom, this was brilliant! What a fun post! I really enjoyed reading all the recipes!
I think for diversity and humour alone, never mind the lovely food and cooking tenacity of those taking part, this post gets a 10 from me. x
Good grief – I thought I was doing well keeping up with the Random Recipes as they were posted this month but now I see I have only actually seen the posts for about half of them!
Let's see how many I can get read before I have to pick up the kids from nursery. This is so much fun.
Thank you, Dom. And thank you to my lovely partner BVG and Steve's partner C who hasn't been able to do her one this month.
FABULOUS challenge, I loved it and look at all those lovely recipes too…..it was a wonderful month for cooking and I enjoyed every minute of it! Onwards and upwards to the next random recipes challenge!
Brilliant round up!
So I'll have Makey Cakey for starters please, Me, My food & I for the main course, Sharky Over Gloves for afters, and a little of What Kate Baked with my coffee. Yep, that would pretty much cover it.
So many great recipes & flavours. I will definitely be trying most of them this month. Thanks Dom!
Well, I tried to come on here earlier and my whole computer crashed! Must have been the overload of lovliness! Fab round up, I've already visited some but will try and get round the other blogs tonight.
Dom! I did it… I just posted it today … you can link me with Lyndsey at Vanilla Clouds and lemon Drops … she was my partner … sorry about being a bit tardy!
Phew! Now, to go dive into some of those incredible recipes!
What a great challenge was had by all Dom!!
Brilliant round up Dom – but I do have to point that the only person not to cook the designated dish was …….. (!)
Phew, what a haul! Great work Dom, this just keeps getting better!
Dear Exceptionally Handsome Teammate,
Thanks you, as always for a super round-up! Look forward to seeing what next month has in store.
'til then,
Alan Overlord xx
as always…brilliant! can't wait to find out about next month! 🙂 no rest for the wicked and all that…
This was a really fun challenge – although to be fair they've all been a bit of a blast. Thanks Dom and another brilliant round-up. Getting slightly nervous though as to what you're cooking up for next month!
What a super cool round-up of Random Recipes! Would love to join in next time, count me in!!
I really enjoyed the interactivity of this month's challenge. Great round up as usual Dom. I look forward to the next one.
Great round up! One day I will pluck up the courage to join! 😉
A fine round up as ever. But how dare you call me quite bonkers! I'm sure I've got a certificate somewhere saying that I'm only slightly bonkers. Then again, three ostriches and a grandfather clock. Looking forward to next month (I think).
I thoroughly enjoy your random challenges, and have decided to set myself a much smaller challenge to take me out of my comfort zone. Each time you have a random challenge, I am going to make one of the featured recipes. I was torn half a dozen different ways, to be honest, but the Moroccan Meatballs with Peas tempted me the most.