… i was going to write about being back in the kitchen and baking a lovely chocolate cake but i’m pretty much exhausted from my travels so i’m putting that on hold till tomorrow…
… then I noticed my purple gooseberries were finally ripe… small… but ripe… can’t wait to get baking with them… any suggestions, most welcome.
… and then I remembered I had planted some purple carrots back in February and so I snuffled around in the ground and pulled out these beauties… I guess I must have a thing for purple this year… although it’s not really my colour…
whilst I decide on what to do with the gooseberries, I threw the carrots into the oven, doused them in olive oil, sprinkled them with rosemary and plenty of salt and roasted them on 190C for about an hour… I know it’s a really simple treatment but you get rewarded with the most wonderful intense essence of carrot…
… back to baking tomorrow… off to sleep now x
Wow! Sooo much purple! Looking forward to seeing what you do with the gooseberries.
I know it's not baking, but I really love gooseberries with oily fish …. a match made in heaven!!
I'm feeling all the purpleness …. (I'm actually humming “tonight I'm gona party like it's 1999!!!!!!!!!!)
Gorgeous colours… I only found out that you can get purple gooseberries on Friday when a little old lady gave me some from her garden…we just have the plain old green ones…Be interested to see what you do with yours…
Hi, love all the food shots it all so good
Roasting always gives up the most intense flavor to the vegetables. The purple carrots are neat looking. I love trying the funky colors in fruits and vegetables. One year we tried yellow watermelon. I never saw a gooseberry before so I don't have a clue to cooking or baking with them. I'm interested to see what you do with them.
Gooseberry pie…gooseberry jam…gooseberry tarts…anything you do with them will be so lovely. We are sadly bereft of gooseberries here. Enjoy yours:)
What no beetroot????
Wish I had some gooseberries, I've been wanting to experiment with some sort of gooseberry and elderflower cake. Also miss gooseberry jam, which I reckon cannot be beaten. An actually gooseberry and elderflower fool is very hard to beat.
Roasted carrots sound gorgeous and love the combined colours. Hope you're feeling more the thing today 🙂
That's one great looking carrots!
I never seen purple gooseberries before. Does it taste better than the green ones?
Judging by the look, it'd be awesome in a clafoutis.
Never heard of purple gooseberrries. I have bought some purple Brussel sprout seeds for next year does that count? What are you going to do with them.? Your carrots look good. Lovely fresh like that aren't they?
purple is my favourite colour!!! i've never had purple gooseberries before…are they sweeter than the green? can't wait to see what you create…i love gooseberry chutney on pork 😉
Great looking carrots Dom. Rest well. Look forward to that lovely chocolate cake! 🙂
I have only ever seen pictures of purple carrots – never seen them for real – might try growing some next year. Roasted vegetables are so yummy.
As for the gooseberries – I can recommend Delia's cobbler recipe !!!!
I don't know anything about gooseberries, but I know a lot about roasted carrots – and yours look marvelous.
Hope you got your much needed rest! Love the purple show 🙂 Wish I could find gooseberries here.
Welcome home to your cottage… torn-out kitchen and all. There's no place like home – where you can make an easy knosh and crash until you're rested!
I can recommend gooseberry sauce with grilled mackerel, or with smoked mackerel.
And you have to try gooseberry batter pudding – make a Yorkshire pud and scatter gooseberries into the batter just as you pop it into the oven. Eat warm with a knob of butter and a sprinkle of soft brown sugar (or ice cream and sugar if you want to be mod-dern). My Gran's recipe – better than clafoutis!
Those carrots are awesome! Do they taste any different to bogstandard orange ones?
I know it's not very imaginative but I'd be making jam with those gooseberries, just because I adore gooseberry jam.
Those gooseberries look so cute! They are only a little bigger than my blackcurrants! Perhaps you could make a pie….
Haha, and the word verification I have to type below says 'hamerd'! How very dare they! 🙂
Gooseberries…yum!!! When I was a little girl I used to sneak into the neighbors yard and eat all her gooseberries right off the bush:)
The carrots look beautiful!!