cookbooks make great gifts don’t they…? well if you’re anything like me they become objects of lust, then objects of worship… but then very quickly become objects of neglect as we slip back into our cooking routines…
… again, totally humbled by the entries… so much so that i’m giving away another book next month because you’re all so bloody lovely…!
… so on to the entries and first to the gate this month (and only 24 hours after I got my entry in for her blog challenge…) was the hyper competitive Choclette from Chocolate Log Blog with these Chocolate Walnut Torte Squares selected randomly from Chocolate by Random Press
Great turn out for the Random Recipes, don't know where the time went but I just didn't make it this month 🙁 maybe next time. In the meantime I have all these lovely blogs to visit, so thanks 🙂
Awwww – I love the Cooking For Your Dog Book! I'm not sure Bob would appreciate any effort that went into baking him treats but such a cute idea.
Thanks for all your hard work again, Dom – really love this challenge so really appreciate it.
Lou. xx
Great round-up Dom, thank you ever so much, I love reading what everyone else has been cooking!
And perhaps next time I ought to sell mine a little better (I'm definitely not an aspiring Apprentice candidate am I?!)
I'm determined to have a go next month, this month just galloped by. What super entries, and I must try some biscuits for my dog! He'd love them.
adorable- love the cooking for your dog..
I miss taking part in these! :'( everything looks wonderful..
right now I am equipped with one pot, a pan, a fruit knife, and a salad server spoon fork thingy.. and that's about it haha.
And what happened to your kitchen?!
Really nice round-up, Dom. I'm thinking of borrowing a dog just so that I can cook the biscuits. Before too long the kitchen work will seem like just a distant memory – or, at least, let's hope so!
Beautiful round up Dom… cheer up and look forward to your Kitchen 2.0, its going to be stunning!
Love the dog biccies, we have a dog visiting us tomorrow, I should make him some 🙂 Not sure my cat would appreciate the gesture though!
I had every intention of making something for this, but various traumas have got in the way. Great round up though, especially love all those summery looking shots!
I found you through Jaqueline at Tinned Tomatoes and glad I did. I love your place and excited to be following!
Take care.
Fantastic round up DOM! 🙂 can't wait for the next challenge! x
Fantastic round up! I really will have to join in next month. I know I keep saying it and not doing it, but I will!!
Looks like a great round-up! Love the pooch recipe!
Have a great weekend!
Another great round-up! I can see a couple sweets that have been added to my list of 'must bakes'! Not to mention the doggie treats! I know two little Corgis that would love some crunchies!
Fantastic round-up Dom! Didn't know such book (cooking for your dog) exists. I need to get that for my dog, Molly. I look forward to this month's challenge and to catch up with your posts. Enjoy your weekend.
Fantabidosi roundup as always Dom!
How is the microwave cooking going?????
Great round up – there are some inspiring recipes here!
It gets better and better every month!
Where did you get that cook book! it amazes me so much! seriously!