Well it’s a busy old month ahead here at Belleau Kitchen; i’m proud to say that i’ll be hosting the brilliant Forever Nigella Challenge for Sarah at Maison Cupcake… i’ll be posting the details on Thursday, as well as continuing my cake baking and event planning for the wonderful Gunby Hall but let’s kick off with some in-house, house-keeping shall we?
… as you’ve probably guessed by the title, this one goes out to all of you who love to bake your cakes… and there are a lot of you… and you’ve all been very sweet either diverting from your regular baking to participate, for which I am very grateful, or having to skew the results to fit in with your blogs… so this month, we’re all going sweet…
… the rules are simple… take all your dessert, chocolate, cake, sweet or pudding based cook books, place them in a pile and randomly select one book… from this book, flip it open to a random page and bake that exact recipe…
… and if you don’t have any specific books on desserts then use your regular cookbooks but select from the back end of the book, where these things usually lurk….
… but whatever you do, go and do it now… go on, do it now… go… NOW!!!
… I just did it and I got the Women’s Institutes Cakes by Liz Herbert and randomly selected a Light Fruit Cake, which I shall cook later this month… those of you who are regular readers will be laughing along with me by my book selection as I have rather a potted history with the coven of ladies from the WI… but those are the rules and anyway, it can’t be a bad thing to have a good fruit cake in the repertoire… can it?
… and remember… no cheating… after all, you’re only cheating yourself… the purpose of this challenge is to expand your horizons!
don’t forget to post your entry with a link back to my blog and you can even use the lovely Random Recipes logo in your post, and then email me your entry at dom@thepersuaders.co.uk… you have until the end of the month to take part.
eat and of course, enjoy!
Jo Romero says
A great random blog post! And I'm really glad that you'll be hosting Forever Nigella too this month. 🙂 Better roll up my sleeves and get started!
WorkingLondonMummy says
how exciting. I will try something this coming weekend!
Dom at Belleau Kitchen says
@WLM thanks for coming over and we'd love you to take part, it's a fun challenge!
Susan Lindquist says
Cakes and sweets? Right up my alley! I just plopped the pile of books on the floor and got a 'sweet' random – 'Debbie Fields' Great American Desserts' … Triple Truffle Cake coming your way sometime this month, my friend! That is, when my pancreas can take the triple truffle assault!
Victoria says
the perfect challenge to get me back into the world of blogging (and baking!) x
Ocean Breezes and Country Sneezes says
Aww, this challenge, like you is sweet! This is very timely because I was thinking about baking a cake for Mother's Day. Should be fun!
katescakesandbakes says
Ohhh, excellent random recipe topic Dom, not least because at least 98% of my cookbooks involve the words 'pudding', 'dessert', 'cake' or 'bake'!
Can anyone (i.e. me) join in the challenge? Or do i need to undertake a Krypton Factor-style-baking- assault-course to prove my worthiness?
Dom at Belleau Kitchen says
@katescakesandbakes … Of course anyone can take part. You just got to follow the rules!!! Welcome aboard!!
Katy Salter says
Ooh, this is a fun one – might have to stick my hand in!
MissCakeBaker says
Yay! Yay! Yay! My kind of recipe! love the idea of a 'light' fruit cake. I can just imagine the WI ladies saying 'oh go on then Doris, just a little slice of the Light Fruit Cake for me.' 😉
Michael Toa says
Got it! Very appropriate I think, it's 'desserts' by James Martin. I got the recipe too… attends juste de voir Dom. I look forward to the details on the next Nigella challenge.
Angela says
I am terribly excited about this! I am also looking forward to your fruit cake. I think I am one of the few residents of the USA who completely adores fruitcake. I could go for a piece right now. Or two. Or the whole loaf.
Angela says
Heaven help… I have just picked my recipe. First ingredient: 12 egg whites. Good thing I am an excellent egg cracker.
Aveen says
Haha. No chance of me getting all my dessert/cake/baking-related books in a pile. It would reach the sky. I might have to do some sort of number generator thingy instead… but I love this challenge and this time I'll definitely make the deadline!
How To Be Perfect says
Yay! Thanks Dom, I'm so pleased with my selection, the book is Hummingbird Bakery Cake Days and the recipe is Walnut & Honey Loaf, sounds gorgeous. x
Bartelmy says
I look forward to trying this when I have more time.
It'll be extra challenging for me – I own three cookbooks, all of which were bought before becoming a vegan. I intend to include my grandmother's cookbooks in my collection – but she's not vegan either!
Choclette says
Ah cake. I take it back, all is forgiven.
Janice says
I'll pick at the weekend. I probably have too many books to pile too – blush!
Dom at Belleau Kitchen says
Ah Choclette I knew I'd hook you with this one … And then sink you with the salad x
Chele says
Woo hoo! I'm going to send Hubby in to the 'library' to pick the book ;0)
Greedy Rosie says
I think I'll join in on this one – happily I only have two dedicated 'dessert' books so picking something randomly out of those shouldn't be a challenge.
Dom at Belleau Kitchen says
easy pickin's Rosie ! x
Dom at Belleau Kitchen says
easy pickin's Rosie ! x
GA says
Do you have to have a blog to join in, or can anyone play?
Dom at Belleau Kitchen says
@GA.. We'd love you to join in. Simply do the challenge, take a photo and email it to me. I'll include you in the round up at the end of the month! If you have a Facebook page you could post it there too! Glad to have you on board!
GA says
fantastic. What a lovely way to try a recipe I wouldn't necessarily usually cook. Thank you.
Janice says
My Random Recipe is blogged HERE
manu says
Oh Dom my random recipe is Strawberry mousse with chocolate!!!
I'll post it asap!LOL
Working london mummy says
Hi Dom here is my post… was fun to make! Nazima
manu says
Hi Dom this is the link of my recipe http://cookingmanu.blogspot.com/2011/05/piu-gelatina-che-mousse-more-jelly-than.html
Sarah says
Hi there check out my random recipe blog post http://littlefamilyof3-sarah.blogspot.com/2011/06/random-recipe-eton-mess.html Sarah
Anonymous says
Have some mouth watering.desert in your meal today, select from these hundreds of desert recipes
pharmacy says
nice post