… probably a regular feature now here at Belleau Kitchen as we usually get back from London on a Thursday night and I get just about enough time before bed to feed Lucretia and make a sponge…
… anyway the test in this whole process of keeping a fridge pet was in this second loaf… if I could do it a second time and it be a success then I know i’ve got something worth keeping… although the thought of getting rid of Lucretia would be horrific!
… so here you go… I plaited it this time but the recipe was the same except I replaced one of the cups of white flour for rye flour…
eat and of course, enjoy!
Another cullinary mountain conquered Dom!!
yeah… i am quite smug today especially because i've just polished off an amazing breakfast of scramble egg on toast… my own sourdough toast! woo hoo!
now I have to pop out and find that goddam tin of pureed chestnut!…
Wow that looks excellent too. Lucretia is doing you proud. 🙂
This made me laugh so much. Is there something about “bread heads” that makes them feel the need to name their sourdough starters . . . mine is called “Boniface” . . . he is a cheerful soul!
Oh, I bet your house smelled wonderful while your bread was baking. I have to get up enough nerve to try making this bread. Enjoy!!
thanks guys
@ Marmaduke S… I know, Lucretia was my neighbours idea as she 'starter sat' for me whilst I was away… now, is Boniface one of those names like Hermione that sounds different to the way you would read it?
@ FBMKW … very good smell but I had to get up at the crack of dawn to get it on the table in time for breakfast!
Thank you for your wonderful comments on my pie – unfortunately I had a glitch and had to delete the post and sadly your comments were deleted. 🙁 would you mind reposting your lovely comments! Thank you!
oh wow!! i am super jealous at your bread making….i never have any luck (or patience) 🙂 well done!!
I've just recently had some multi-grain sour dough bread and it was delicious, I can't imagine how delicious your home made bread (complete with braid)was! I'll bet the house smelled fantastic!
Oh how could you ever even mention the idea of not having Lucretia. She has served you so well lol. Another fab looking loaf ;0)
Looks like Lucretia has had a stay of execution then – another good looker. Did you prefer it with the rye addition?