… November is just one of those crazy hectic months in the build-up to Christmas it almost feels like it’s crazier than December… so I truly thank you for taking the time to enter and play long this month…
next up here’s Galina from Chez Maximka with a delicious Winter Chicken and Date Salad randomly selected from BBC Good Food Christmas 2004 from her pile of magazines
next is sweet Rachel from My Life in Knitwear and a recipe found in a grandma’s adorable clippings book – you really must go and visit her site to see the pictures – with some lovely triple chocolate-chip cookies
here’s dear Lucy The KitchenMaid with a very random Tofu Mayonnaise selected from an Aaron Brunet recipe she rescued from a life un-loved stuck to her fridge door
next is cheeky Craig from The Usual Saucepans with this rather luscious looking Orange and Amaretto Gingerbread randomly taken from his box of clippings
and finally for this month it’s lovely Karen from Lavender and Lovage with an argument over potatoes and what can only be my ultimate dish of Sticky Marmalade Chicken Thighs
so that’s another month of random recipes over and of course I thank you humbly for your entries… I have my usually Christmas treat in store for you next month so check back here on the 1st December for the theme… I think you’ll like it!
A WONDERFUL round-up Dom and I am looking forward to December's challenge! Karen
Love the magazine and cuttings round up, so many different dishes.
Great round up dom. But you seem to have missed mine out! I sent to you at the start of the month. I will re-send!!! xx
What a wonderful set of dishes, something for everyone in that delectable round up 🙂
Gorgeous photos – there are some lovely recipes in that roundup, Dom
I love how there were some super old clippings that were unearthed. Yeah~
Thanks Dom. Muppet? I love the Muppets!!!!!
So random this month!
Very lucky choices of random recipes, I'd happily try most of them.