… being the month of love some very clever people in a PR office somewhere decided that February should also be National Heart Month a whole 30 days or so where we’re encouraged to look after our hearts with plenty of exercise and healthy eating… to help us on this road of love for our own hearts the good folk at Waitrose have asked me to develop a recipe as part of their Healthy Heart Valentine’s Day hub on their website… there are already quite a few delicious recipes up there to inspire you for healthy living as well as one or two lovely ideas for a Valentine’s dinner but I thought i’d kick you off in style tomorrow morning with a super-food breakfast sure to get your heart racing…
… it’s so funny how one minute we’re told that certain foods are bad for us and the next we’re told to eat them with relish… it reminds me of that wonderful Woody Allen film Sleeper where the main character wakes up in a future where cream cakes and pastries are good for you. Unfortunately we’re not quite there quite yet but both avocado and eggs were once on the no-no list. Now they tell us that eggs, in moderation are a great source of protein and vitamin D and avocado’s are packed with vitamins and the most wonderful of all the fats the monounsaturated fat.
baked egg in avocado
i’ve been seeing a wonderful image of a baked egg in an avocado everywhere recently and couldn’t wait to make it and i’m so glad I did… it’s quite amazing how something so simple and quick to bake can taste so divine… the warm avocado is a revelation to me and its creamy texture works so beautifully with the egg, especially a nice runny yolk. Perfect to start your valentine’s day in style…
serves 2 hungry people
2 ripe avocado’s – cut in half lenghtways with the stone removed
4 free-range eggs
seasoning of your choice
you will need to get your ratio of avocado to egg correct… I had small avocado’s and large eggs, when I make this again I will go for a large avocado and medium eggs but whatever works for you
pre-heat your oven to 170C and create 2 nests out of oven-proof paper
scoop out a little avocado with a spoon to make way for the egg and then lay the avocado halves flesh-side-up in the nests and crack an egg into each half – some of the white may spill over but this is fine
bake for 10 minutes or until the whites solidify, season well with plenty of fresh cracked pepper
eat and of course, enjoy!
That sounds delicious! Thanks Dom.
Aren't the simplest things the best Dom. These look wonderful and filling. I have been seeing these around and have wanted to give them a try. Does the avocado keep its creaminess when it is bakes?
I just went back and re read the instructions and I see that the avocado stays creamy, Good, I can't wait to make them.
I would never have thought of this combination but it sure looks delicious!
Love avocado…… Love egg…… Perfect!
I have never cooked avocado but as these are two of my most fav foods this is definitely one to try.
I've seen these around lately, I'm happy to hear first hand that they are delicious!
I haven't had this for ages – Pete's not a big avocado eater. But now you make me want one again RIGHT NOW.
p.s. Can I also recommend avocado ice cream? Did some for my blog once, was quite a revelation!
Ooh I'd never have thought of putting those two flavours together, let alone cook avocado !
Great combination, but some of the Avocados you see on sale would scarcely accomodate a Quail's egg!
I have avocado and eggs on my grocery list for tomorrow… I so know what I'm making for breakfast now!!!!
It sounds lovely. I love avocados but haven't had them baked before.
What a totally brilliant idea Dom and such lovely photos too! I could do that with my wonderful free range hens eggs, perfect for a weekend brunch. Karen
Erm yes pinning this right now to my board called “put an egg on it”!
Oh Dom, I love you, but warm avocado is a crime against food! How could you?!
These are beautiful photographs, but I'm with Lucy, I've never got on with cooked avocado and they are so delicious raw.
Wow what a great recipe too for anyone on the Paleo diet – especially as breakfast etc can get boring! Lovely idea and fab photos
Oh boy, avocados are coming back in a big way. I tried this one a couple months ago and failed to make it look quite as appetising. You're right about the ratio though, something that comes along with time and lots of patience I suppose. Keep up the good work Dom! P.S. I love that scene in Sleeper.