… you show me yours!
it’s a tough one this month but it really is harder and harder each month to come up with crafty ways to make sure you’re all playing to the rules. This time we all have to pick a random recipe for each other…!
… it’s quite complicated but pay attention and i’m sure you’ll all have a blast…
1 – I have used my random number generator to pair off everyone who took part last month, into couples.
2 – get in contact with each other via twitter / email / this blog (say hello, be friendly, follow each other for a start… this is the blogaverse after-all)
3 – let each other know how many cook books you have, assign each book a number and give the total number to your random recipes friend
4 – randomly select a number for each other (and therefore a book)
5 – once you have a book, let the other person know how many pages there are in the book
6 – randomly select a page number for each other
7 – cook the dish on that page
8 – never speak to that person again…
usual challenge entry rules apply… post your selection, link back to my blog, include the natty little logo and don’t forget to email me at dom@thepersuadersltd.co.uk
now, give it a day or two but if you can’t compete this month, let me and your Random Recipe Friend know and i’ll hook you up with someone else, or if you didn’t take part last month and want to take part then let me know in the comments below and i’ll add you to the list… or you could come to me with a blog buddy already and do it that way…
I realise that i’m asking quite a lot from you all but it’s been 6 months now and I do feel we can all afford to reach out across the blogaverse and make this work… so here’s the list:
Belleau Kitchen and What Kate Bakes
Lou (Please Don’t Feed the Animals) and Brownieville Girl
Steve (Please Don’t Feed the Animals) and Cake, Crumbs and Cooking
Exploit of a Food Nut and The KitchenMaid
Fuss Free Flavours and Baking Obsessively
Spontaneous Euphoria and Cooking Manu
Lavender and Lovage and Makey Cakey
Me, My Food and I and 21st Century Urban Housewife
Baking in Franglais and Dear Love Blog
Little Macaroon and Sharky Oven Gloves
What I Baked this Weekend and Chocolate Log Blog
Vanilla Frost and As Strong As Soup
Chocolate Teapot and Mummy, I Can Cook
Farmersgirl Kitchen and Italian Inspiration
Food, Football and a Baby and 41 Feasts
The Spice Garden and Vanilla Clouds and Lemon Drops
and just to show to you all how fun and easy breezy this theme is, I have already been in contact with kate from What Kate Baked and here’s how it went:
Belleau Kitchen – 44 books
What Kate Baked – 39 books
I chose number number 17 for Kate, she chose number 29 for me.
I got Gary Rhodes – Keeping it Simple with 408 pages, Kate got Mrs Beaton’s Book of Cakes with 326 pages
My recipe is Grilled Mackerel with a Caesar Potato Salad and Kate’s recipe is… well, you’ll just have to wait until she posts her Random Recipes entry later in the month to find out!
… and now it’s up to you lot… and I need a little lay down… enjoy!
Karen S Booth says
WHAT a BLINDING idea Dom! I LOVE it! THANKS so much for all the time you have taken to do this, a WONDERFUL idea!
Karen S Booth says
Kate and Dom?!! Hehehehehe! This WILL be fun!
Susan's blog says
You've excelled yourself this month that's for sure! Good luck everyone. x
eatingupnorth says
Love this idea! If you have anyone without a partner I'd love to join in 🙂
manu says
Dom, this is very fun!!!I'm in!!!
I'm going to get in touch with my partner asap.
Have a nice Sunday
Chele says
Great idea ;0)
I'm off to count cook books!
Karen S Booth says
Ruth and I from Cakey Bakey are in touch!
Karen S Booth says
I did mean Makey Cakey! Doh…..
Jean says
Great idea….will be in touch with my partner in crime/kitchen asap. (am slightly worried in case the recipe is for something scary, like smoked tripe in fig and leek coulis or something…..aaarghhhhh)
Nicola @41feasts says
Genius! Although counting them does force the realisation of exactly how many cook books I have…
Off to email now!
Janice says
Excellent! Looking forward to this, I've done something similar when digi-scrapping when you scrap someone elses photo and it's always lots of fun. Better count my cookbooks -oh dear, I'm quite concerned about some of the ancient war time ones that belonged to my gran!
Jacqueline says
What a brilliant idea Dom. Count me in. I should have a chance to take part once I get back from holiday. Things shouldn't be so hectic. I will go add it to the diary for you too:)
Brownieville Girl says
Oh no! I'd be really embarrassed to count all my cookery books – maybe I'll just go with the ones in the kitchen!!!
Looking forward to talking Lou!
Great idea Dom.
Kate@whatkatebaked says
Yep, so there I was basking in the glory of a super Welsh win at the rugby this morning, tucking into a lovely (if early) brekkie when up pops an email asking me to count my cookbooks…it could only be Dom! Several recounts later (well, it was bloomin early) and we had a random recipe! Thank you ever so much for a great challenge Dom!
Lynds says
I love this idea! Thanks for including me : )
Please Do Not Feed The Animals. says
Hee hee – this is so much fun! I will go count my books and get back to you BVG.
Better go let Steve know about this too. 🙂
Cakefairyblog says
Sounds like fun! If you've got a free partner I'll pair (I hope this isn't like netball at school 🙂 Thanks
Please Do Not Feed The Animals. says
Hi BVG – I have 53 cookbooks.
And Cakes, Crumbs and Cooking – Steve has 53 too.
Jacqueline says
I have 61 cookbooks. Have them stored on Eat Your Books 🙂
Victoria says
this …. is….. ingenious!!!
A Trifle Rushed says
Good luck to everyone! I'm looking forward to your posts and quite relieved I didn't enter last month…I've still got to sort out those cuttings!
Susan Lindquist says
Hahaaha! You are staying up WAY too late at night thinking of devious ideas such as this one! genius, dear Dom! I'm in …
Hi Lyndsey! Check your email box! And you have HOW many cookbooks???
This will be great fun!
Choclette says
Blimey Dom, you are getting more Machiavellian each month! Love it.
Michael Toa says
Lovin it Dom! What a great idea. Will be in touch with Victoria immediately! 🙂
Shu Han says
this is so much fun! But I don't think I can do it this month ): I don't own any cookbooks in my flat, I have a grand total of one which is not even with me now..I could take part last month only because it was for cutouts. Please please find a fantastic new partner for chele and I can't wait to see what she and everyone else does! Great one this month dom!
Karen S Booth says
Makey Cakey and I are DONE with the initial stage! This was a great idea and she picked a number for a book that I have not looked at in ages…..
little macaroon. says
Great idea! I'm so interested to see what gets picked. Sharky Oven Gloves – I've sent you an email… did you get it? Worried that your account may block an email from a random. If not, leave me a note here and I'll check back (I've got 13 books here btw)
MissCakeBaker says
talesofpiglingbland says
I've been meaning to do a Random Recipe challenge for ages. Can I join in now? Anyone need a partner?
Ruth Ellis says
Ok – mine is made – can I just check… can I post now? Or do I have to wait until the end of the month – am a bit new to this concept!
ellen's 52 says
Anyone still need a partner? This is not a great month to click through to this challenge for the first time!
manu says
Hi Dom I've just posted my recipe!!!WOW my family is so happy and it looks so yummy!!
They are going to eat it tonight I'll just eat the side: mushrooms and potatoes ;-)))
Have a nice evening
Ruth Ellis says
And I'm done!
yummychooeats says
sounds great Dom, look forward to participating in the next one!
talesofpiglingbland says
I've just posted mine http://bit.ly/panzanella-tomatoe-bread-salad
Thanks for organising it Dom.
Gill x
mrsnesbitt says
I'm too late for this one – but next time please! Excellent idea…LOVE IT!
Fabulicious Food says
Count me in for next time please Dom! See you on 18th x