I can hear the carpenter tap… tap… tapping away in the kitchen, which can only be a good thing right..? The Viking and I have surmised that we should be able to move back into the kitchen on Saturday which, as you can imagine, is very exciting!… it won’t be finished completely, as the floor tiles still need to go down… but good enough to get back in and having Belleau Kitchen back and up and running again… marvellous!
This month’s Random Recipes challenge has been inspired by Gary from Exploits of a Food Nut who, last month used his pile of saved food magazines to choose his recipe from instead of his cook books… how brilliant eh? and it got me thinking about the very large pile of not only magazines but recipes I’ve cut from newspapers, free pull-outs that come with Sunday supplements, clippings that mum has saved and posted to me (yes, I know…) and how most of them just get folded into my clippings folder or slid into the pages of another un-read cookbook… well it’s time to get them out and get randomly selecting…
… usual rules apply:
1. place all your magazines, clippings and pull-outs in a pile
2. close your eyes, or find a willing partner to close their eyes
3. randomly select an item from the pile and either flick through to select a recipe or if it’s a clipping, cook that chosen recipe
4. write a lovely post about it, with a link back to this post, take a lovely picture and then send me a link to your post by emailing me at dom@thepersuaders.co.uk… please try and remember to send me an email as some of you have forgotten recently and I just happen to stumble across them!
… and come ON now folks… no cheating this time… you’re the one who cut out this recipe to keep in the first place, so it should be something you thought you’d like to cook at the very least!
… now where’s that pile of Good Housekeeping Magazine’s… I think there’s a recipe for Butter Bean Whip i’d been meaning to avoid…
But why would you avoid the butter bean whip Dom? It sounds so … interesting!
Got quite a huge pile of magazines piling up so this one should be a doddle (how to I know I am going to regret saying that!)
Dom, what a great idea, I've got a lot of pages taken from magazines or recipes written on a piece of paper…that's a good way to make some order…! I'll let you know!
Have a nice day
yay finally one i can do! i have LOADS of clippings, because i'm too poor/cheap to get cookbooks! this'd be my first time, so i'm a little blur, when must i send my entry by?
Great idea! I pruned my cuttings folder the other day so it only contains stuff that I really really want to cook .
So, I'm not the only one with a pile of recipe clippings. This sure sounds like a fun project. Good luck on Saturday with moving day in the Kitchen.
haven't done a blog challenge in so long! this looks awesome!! im already thinking of my little pile of clippings mmm!
What a brilliant idea, I was just sorting through my magazines, pull outs and bits and bobs of culinary news paper cuttings the other day ~ I would lobe to join in with this challenge this month!
I bet Saturday cannot come fast enough….
I promise I will try to complete this challenge! Wish you had posted some photos of the “tap, tap, tap” photos!
Just cooked 2 Maine lobsters . . . have to refrigerate them. Susan @ “From Beyond My Kitchen Window” and her hubby may be coming for a Sunday visit!
Have a great weekend! It's Labor Day weekend in the U.S.!
Yes yes yessssss!! Also…will give me an excuse to actually DO something about the overflowing folder of clippings…as always, thanks 🙂
This is great on so many levels …. I might actually manage to get all my clippings and magazines into one place, and maybe even slightly organised!!
Thanks Dom.
Great idea Dom!
I was so busy that I didn't join in last month, I will this time though!
I don't tend to clip from magazines – I tend to keep the magazine intact!
Heehee – I would therefore like to cordially invite you round to mine to make a pile of all my magazines (about 10 years worth of BBC Good Food, and that's just to start – think olive, delicious, sainsburys….. not all for 10 years though!) to pick a random one….. It's ok, I'll manage!!!
Brilliant! Have a massive stacknof clippings. The new kitchen looks lovely – well the sneak preview we can see!
Such a brilliant idea, I never get round to trying magazine recipes and yet I buy hundreds of food mags. Fingers crossed I will have time to join in this month. x
I'm Janice and I'm a magazine addict. Fortunately, I just gave away a year's worth of Good Food Mags to my son, so that saves me adding them to the pile. However I still have plenty and all those clippings in various ring binders, so this is going to be fun.
Oh lawks, my clippings, magazines etc are all over the place – not quite sure how I'm going to do this, but I'll try my best. Butter bean whip sounds quite delicious – where's the recipe?
Dom, just posted my random recipe: pumpkin soup with coconut milk! That was my dinner: delicious!
Have a nice evening
Prompted by my delicious pal Please Do Not Feed the Animals I'm going to give this a try this week in an effort to encourage my husband to learn how to make anything… ANYTHING except risotto. An Italian once told him it was better than his mother's, and so he hasn't cooked anything else for the last 5 years.
A girl can go right off carnaroli y'know.
So we're going to put all my newspaper clippings into a pile on thursday night… watch this space!
Great idea Dom! Hopefully I'll get to cook my recipe this weekend!
I did it I did it for the first time! Heston's lemon tart. But unfortunately, it didn't turn out too well, sorry Dom ):
Decided to give this a go – trust me to manage to pick a recipe that clearly has the quantities wrong! Honey biscuits, with 115g flour and 250ml honey are never ever ever going to form a 'stiff dough' as the recipe suggests. Silly Tesco magazine! But I have improvised a bit with some ground almonds, they are in the oven right now, and hopefully will be edible…. blog post to follow once they are cooled and photographed.
Done – and we're just about still in September…
Honey Biscuits – disaster and disaster aversion!