… and so as March rolls into April we have another jumble-sale selection of Random Recipes from across the globe… I know we always say it, but isn’t it amazing, this world of the blog..? I have posts here from Australia, New Zealand, America, The UK, The UAE, Ireland, England and Scotland… thank you all once again for taking part, I’m thinking you’re all enjoying the challenge?
…stay tuned for a very special Belleau Kitchen 1 year anniversary edition of Random Recipes at the start of April…
Our next entry is from Susan at The Spice Garden who got At Taste of New Hampshire, from which she made these excellent Chicken Crescent Squares
Yes, BVG, lots of love from me too.
Dom, I'm sorry I didn't join in with this challenge! My excuse is that I found your blog a little too late.
It's lovely to see everyone's entries.
All these entries look gorgeous! I want to eat every single one (well the FOOD in the entry, not the entry itself…)
Obviously my imagination is far fetched but maybe someday we can have a “Random Recipe Blog Meetup”.. where we pick random recipes, make them, and then everyone meets up and eats them all.
Everything looks wonderful! I'm particular fond of Michael's Spice Chocolate cake….I loved his story too!!
@ BG a big hug from me too!
I love all these recipes, pics are so beautiful
Love the round up Dom… amazing how many different recipes show up, that's the fun of this challenge.
And I only live in Edmonton (Canada, not North London)… though somedays it could well be the moon !!
Great round-up, great fun. Thanks Dom. Highly envious of all those brownie recipes people got!
Hadn't realised something had befallen BVG. I hope it's nothing too bad, but of course my thoughts and well wishes are with her.
Amazing lineup! Aren't we all clever?!
But Dom, I think I have found a dark side to the Random Recipe challenge – looking at all these amazing dishes makes me want to buy MORE cookbooks rather than use the ones I have. What to do?
There are 18 dishes there – that can't be coincidence, can it? 🙂
Oh no – I'm so sorry something has happened to BrownievilleGirl. Sending her and her family all our best wishes too.
Wahoo! So many GOOD recipes to read and think about! God, I love this monthly thing, Dom! Genius! Pure genius!
Arent we simply marvellous?
@ PDNFTA just realised there are indeed 18 entrees!!! That's so freaky! Also just realised that for some reason there's no link to your blog on my round up. I don't know how that happened as I put one in when I wrote it. Blogger glitch I think! Same goes for Angela and Sharkey. Sorry!
This was fun. I have a feeling I might not be so lucky next time around. Looking forward to the next challenge. I hope everything is all right with Brownieville I have missed her postings and comments. I will say a prayer that all is well for her and her family.
Dom – now feeling hugely guilty about my kitchenaid….you now need to treat yourself to one so that I don't feel miserable 🙂
oh Ali… I can only but dream…
What a wonderful round up. Everything looks delish! Will there be another twist for the next challenge? 🙂
This was so much fun Dom! Looking forward to your next challenge!
Keeping Brownieville Girl and family in my thoughts and prayer! I wish there was something more that I could do.
What a lovely round up! There are some great recipes that I wouldn't have given a second glance at but look gorgeous in the flesh! Well done everyone!
Thoughts are with BVG and her family at this difficult time.
Thanks so much for organising this, it's been great fun and I'll definitely be taking part again in April. Had a bit of a mad week so I'm just about to sit down and check out everyone else's entries, but the photos all look amazing!
Thank you for posting all of these entries. I am so impressed with the variety that came from the challenge – and so hungry!