… I have stolen the inspiration for this recipe from some cook or other who writes for The Times… I make no apologies for this as i feel they stole it from me first…
… I think we can all safely agree that it was I who started this chicken thigh craze way back some time last year and being the wave creator that I am, i am more than happy for others to ride that wave… but I think it’s taking liberties when they come into your very thoughts and then, when you least expect it, steal and have the audacity to go ahead and print the very recipe you’ve been saving up to cook and write about yourself…
…I’ll leave it there shall I…?
… there’s something a little classic about the combination of chicken and leeks… it’s as though god (or whomever you choose to believe in… Delia… Nigella… etc…) created the chicken and then thought to herself… ‘i know… let’s make a leek… it’ll be a beautiful complimentary vegetable…’ (for some reason my god has a cockney accent and sounds a little like Eliza Doolittle… i think I’m a little tired… it was International Women’s Day yesterday and we had a little event on in London with Annie Lennox and Paloma Faith and I’m exhausted…)
… anyway, it seems to work marvelously and this couldn’t really be any more simple now could it?
chicken thighs with leeks
6 chicken thighs
3 medium leeks – chopped into 3 inch batons
5 cloves of garlic (skin on)
a glass of white wine
olive oil
– the leeks should be cut quite large… they hold their shape and suck up all the lovely chicken and wine juice
– bung it all in an oven-proof dish, season sprinkle with the oil and roast until golden, probably 1 hour and 30 Min’s
– turn half way through and then back again in the last 10 Min’s
eat and of course, enjoy!
great combo adore leeks
Okay. I'm making this in Little Red.
We have many leeks in the garden, still to harvest. And you know I love my chicken thighs. I shall be making this, oh yes!
you can always find some leek in my fridge. It goes with almost everything. I like your combo as well.
The nerve of that newspaper to steal your brilliant idea! This sounds really delicious and something that the whole family would love. I'm adding leeks to my shopping list!
Copyright Dom, thats all I'm saying. lol. Great recipe though.
Loved that you agree about Harry Eastwood and the healthy cake wank. Why does she have a book deal and get to divide her time between London and New York when she is so clearly a DICK? 🙂
If you are suing the newspaper, I am on your side Dom. I have seen many chicken thighs featured in this blog.
This looks delicious. yum…
Take care.
Thanks for the lovely comments. Leeks are so great. They really sucked up those chicken juices and made the whole dish taste amazing.
@ Tess. Who's little red? She your cook pot?
@ Mr P. I think you've got issues with a woman called Harry. X
We have chicken thighs at least once a week too. I will have to try leeks. They are so sandy and I am so lazy I hate to clean so I usually use a lot of onions when I cook. Another great recipe.
I love leeks, and this is a great combination of flavors.
You star Dom – I looked in the fridge this morning to see what I could make for dinner as my fella did the shopping this week and saw chicken and leeks. Result! thank you for sorting tonight out for me!
YUUUM is all i have to say. we odn't have a lot of meat around here…but when we do it is usually chicken thighs!!! this is a fantastic…and easy dish!!!! when i make it…i will credit you 🙂
I intend to copy this recipe and oh, by the way, making a pizza this evening and using the roasty tomatoes from your post last week … just call me a copycat.
Followed the link to the International Women's Day event … are you all posh!?! My daughter was very impressed with you!
@ Susan… I bet those tomatoes on the Pizza will be AMAZING!!!… and yes, we are fabulous over at The Persuaders!!!
I agree with chopping up the leeks into large pieces. There's nothing like a good roast with lots of vegetables and juices.
I must try cooking with the garlic skins on.. should be interesting.. and less of a hassle! I peel them the old fashioned way, with my fingers.. but I bash them lightly on the kitchen counter first to break open the skin on the edges..
I must try a garlic peeler…
This look wonderful I love! gloria
This sounds delicious, while I'm not a fan of chicken thighs I would use split chicken breast! Thanks for another great recipe! So, when are you coming to stay at my “beach house?” LOL!!!
I have a glut of leeks from my riverford box. I'm going to make this tonight! x
I don't see an oven temp??
What oven temp do you use