Tracey still had an abundance of rhubarb… all this from one little plant… but it’s beginning to flower, so before it goes to seed I thought i’d have one last go at a rhubarb recipe… something I can keep for a while.
This is a classic vanilla ice cream recipe using egg yolks which i’ve adapted to suit what I had in the fridge!
I’ve not added any sugar to the stewing rhubarb as I think there’s enough in the custard mixture and anyway I love the tartness it brings to the dessert.
8 stalks of rhubarb
4 egg yolks
100g caster sugar
1/2 pint milk
tub of creme fraiche
2 tsps honey
a drop of vanilla extract
In a bowl over a pan of gently bubbling hot water, beat and mix the egg yolks and sugar together until they thicken and warm through. Heat the milk and add this gently to the egg mixture whisking it till it thickens. Add the vanilla and set aside to cool.
Meanwhile, wash and cut the rhubarb into small chunks and stew until it collapses, then whizz with a hand blender.
Once it’s all cooled down, mix it together along with the creme fraiche and the honey.
At this stage, if you’re clever, you’ll bung the whole lot into an ice cream maker… but i’m not so fortunate, so I placed it into a plastic container and froze it for 30 mins, then whisked it with a hand whisk, then froze for another 30 mins, then whisked once more before its final big freeze.
Eat and of course, enjoy!